The doctor dances part two

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Rose grabs Jack's blaster and points it at the floor. "Going down!" She shouts as she uses it to open a hole in the floor. All four of them falling to the floor below. They all grunt and groan as they land on the floor. Jack repairs the hole in the ceiling.
"Doctor, Raiah, are you okay?" Rose aaks the pair. "Could've used a warning." The Doctor gruffly tells her.
"Oh, the gratitude." Rose mutters. "I'm okay Rose. Are you" Ky says to the blonde. The blonde just nods to the redhead as the boys start arguing over the sonics again.
"Who has a sonic screwdriver?"
"I do."
"Lights." Rose mumbles to Ky. the girls go off in search of a switch.
"Who looks at a screwdriver and thinks, ooo, this could be a little more sonic?"
"What, you've never been bored?"
"There's got to be a light switch." Ky mumbles back to Rose.
"Never had a long night? Never had a lot of cabinets to put up?"
The girls find the light switch and the patients sit up in their beds.
"Mummy. Mummy."
"Door." Jack shouts. He goes to use his blaster but it doesn't work.
"Damn it!"
"It's the special features. They really drain the battery." Jack says to the group.
"The battery?" Rose and Ky say together. The Doctor goes up to the door and screwdriver gets them into a storeroom.
"That's so lame!" The girls both say to Jack walking into the room arm in arm.
"I was going to send for another one, but somebody's got to blow up the factory." Jack tells them.
"Oh, I know. First day I met him, he blew my job up. That's practically how he communicates." Rose replies to him. Ky just smiles slightly, thinking that after the Doctor found out about her on Gallifrey he was ready to blow up the planet just to save her and stop a war. Even though she wasn't there, he look on his face when he looks at her sometimes confirms to her he still did it. She doesn't say to him she knows, but if she did she would tell him she understood and she didn't blame him. She'd do the same thing if she had too.
"Okay, that door should hold it for a bit." The Doctor says, dragging Ky from her thoughts.
"The door? The wall didn't stop it!" The conman states.
"Well, it's got to find us first! Come on, we're not done yet! Assets, assets!" The Timelord tells him.
"Well, I've got a banana, and in a pinch you could put up some shelves." Jack mockingly says.
"Window." The Doctor asks.
"Barred. Sheer drop outside. Seven stories." Jack says to him.
"And no other exits." Ky chimes in.
"Well, the assets conversation went in a flash, didn't it?" Jack says to him.
The Doctor looks at Kyraiah and asks. "So, where'd you pick this one up, then?"
"Doctor." Rose says to him trying to silently tell him he's being rude.
Jack smirks. "She was hanging from a barrage balloon, I had an invisible spaceship. I never stood a chance." Ky just looks at the Doctor, puts her hands up and shrugs nonchalantly.
"Okay. One, we've got to get out of here. Two, we can't get out of here. Have I missed anything?" The Doctor says.
"Yeah. Jack just disappeared." Rose points out to the two Timelords.
"Okay, so he's vanished into thin air. Why is it always the great looking ones who do that?" Ky says to Rose. The blonde does her classic tongue in teeth smile, looking at the Doctor out of the corner of her eye, and replies. "Always the good looking ones. They never stick around."
"I'm making an effort not to be insulted." The Doctor tells her.
"I mean, men." Rose says, whilst Ky just scrunched her nose up. The guy was basically her dad, she didn't want to think of him any other way.
"Okay, thanks, that really helped." The Doctor points out sarcastically.
The radio crackles into life.
"Rai? Rose? Doctor? Can you hear me? I'm back on my ship." Jacks voice comes through the radio.
"Used the emergency teleport. Sorry I couldn't take you. It's security-keyed to my molecular structure. I'm working on it. Hang in there."
"How're you speaking to us?"the Doctor asks him.
"Om-Com. I can call anything with a speaker grill." Jack tells him.
"Now there's a coincidence." There Doctor tells him.
"What is?" Jack asks him.
"The child can Om-Com, too." The Doctor replies.
"He can?" Ky asks him.
"Anything with a speaker grill. Even the Tardis phone." The Doctor tells Ky.
"Wait, you mean the child can phone us? Please don't tell me that means he can also...." Ky never got to finish her sentence because she was interrupted by the very thing she didn't want to hear. The child.
"And I can hear you. Coming to find you. Coming to find you."

"Doctor, can you hear that?" Jack asks over the radio again.
"Loud and clear." The Doctor reports to him.
"I'll try to block out the signal. Least I can do." Jack tells the group still in the storeroom whilst he's still safe in his ship.

"Coming to find you, mummy."

Jack's voice comes over the radio again. "Remember this one, Rai?"
Moonlight Serenade comes through the radio.
"Our song. We danced." Ky smirks. The Doctor just looks away and scowls whilst Rose grins at the redhead, knowing she said that just to wind the Doctor up.

A little later, Rose is relaxing in a wheelchair and Ky is leant against a wall legs crossed while the Doctor is at the barred window with the ever-versatile sonic screwdriver.
"What you doing?" Rose asks the Doctor.
"Trying to set up a resonation pattern in the concrete, loosen the bars." The Doctor tells her.
"You don't think he's coming back, do you?" The blonde asks.
"Wouldn't bet my life." The Doctor tells her.
"Why don't you trust him?" Ky asks him, suddenly curious.
"Why do you?" He quizzed her.
"He saved my life. Bloke-wise, that's up there with flossing. I trust him because he's like you." Ky tells him.
Rose smirks and adds. "Except with dating and dancing." The Doctor gives her a look.
"What?" Rose asks him
"You just assume I'm..." the Doctor trails off.
"What?" Rose asks again.
"You just assume that I don't dance." The Doctor says to her
"What, are you telling me you do dance?" Rose ask him. Both forgetting the redheads presence apparently, as they do some weird flirting.
"Nine hundred years old, me. I've been around a bit. I think you can assume at some point I've danced."
At this statement Ky scrunches up her face and silently gags to herself. This is not a conversation she wants to hear.
"You?" The blonde questions him.
"Problem?" The Doctor says to her.
"Doesn't the universe implode or something if you dance?" Rose jokes. "Well, I've got the moves but I wouldn't want to boast." Was the Doctors reply.
Rose goes to the radio and turns up the volume. It is still Moonlight Serenade.
"You've got the moves? Show me your moves." Rose tells him. At this point Ky is looking around trying to block out the conversation going on, but is being rather unsuccessful.
"Rose, I'm trying to resonate concrete."
"Jack'll be back. He'll get us out. So come on. The world doesn't end because the Doctor dances."
Rose holds out her hands, and the Doctor looks at her palms for a second. He turns to Ky. "Show me your hands." He orders her. She holds up her hands up, understanding what he was getting at.
"Barrage balloon?" He asks curiously.
"What?" Rose asks confused as to what is going on between the two.
The Doctor turns back to Rose. "She was hanging from a barrage balloon."
"Oh, yeah. About two minutes after you two left me. Thousands of feet above London, middle of a German air-raid. Thinking I'm glad I wasn't wearing Rose's top." Ky jokes.
"I've travelled with a lot of people, but you two are setting new records for jeopardy friendly." The Doctor says looking between the two.
"Is this you dancing? Because I've got notes." Rose asks the Doctor, bringing his focus back to her.
"Hanging from a rope thousands feet above London. Not a cut, not a bruise." The Doctor said.
"Yeah, I know. She told me Captain Jack fixed her up." Rose says to the Doctor, the girls having spoke about it briefly whilst the Doctor was trying to resonate concrete.
"Oh, we're calling him Captain Jack now, are we?" The Doctor asks her.
"Well, his name's Jack and he's a Captain." Rose tells him. By this point, Jack has transported them to his ship. The only one of the trio to motive is the redhead. She looks to Jack as he looks back at her and smirks. He does the same to her. Both of them shake there heads.
"He's not really a Captain, Rose." The Doctor tells her.
"Do you know what I think? I think you're experiencing Captain envy. You'll find your feet at the end of your legs. You may care to move them." Rose retorts.
"If ever he was a Captain, he's been defrocked."
"Yeah? Shame I missed that." Both girls say. One to the Doctor and one to Jack.
"Actually, I quit. Nobody takes my frock. Most people notice when they've been teleported. You guys are so sweet. Sorry about the delay. I had to take the nav-com offline to override the teleport security." He tells them.
"You can spend ten minutes overriding your own protocols? Maybe you should remember whose ship it is." The Doctor points out.
"Oh, I do. She was gorgeous. Like I told her, be back in five minutes." The captain winks at them.
"This is a Chula ship."
"Yeah, just like that medical transporter. Only this one is dangerous."
The Doctor snaps his fingers and the golden glow envelopes his hands.
"They're what fixed my hands up Jack called them..." Ky starts but doesn't get to finish her sentence because the Doctor jumps in.
"Nanobots? Nanogenes."
"Nanogenes, yeah. I was going to say that if you didn't interrupt me."

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