Filler what kiss

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After being safely in the vortex, The Doctor let the Tardis drift for a while. He decided he was finally going to have that talk with Kyraiah about that cheek kiss with Jack. He went to her room and she wasn't there. She wasn't in Jack either, his was across the hall and his door wide open. Rose was there with him having a laugh, so that meant she wasn't with Rose either. The Doctor checked the other usual places. The library/pool room (the pool was in the library for some reason, he never questioned it the others did though) and the kitchen both were empty. So where could she be. Focusing on the bond, he followed it to a door he'd never noticed be for. He listened to start with, seeing if he could hear anything. He jumped when he heard a bang come from the other side. Knocking twice, he entered when he heard a meek "come in" from the other side.
There she was, dressed in some workout clothes, standing in the middle of the room surrounded by random bits of stuff.
"What is this room? What's with all the stuff?" He asked her.
"The Tardis made me it not long after I got here. Helps me calm down and help me control my powers. Especially after the satellite five incident. Watch." She told him.
With barely a flick of her hand, she was sending things flying upwards, but this time they didn't go crashing into the walls. No they hovered a foot above where they started. She was getting better. He was sure before the museum she'd have been able to do this easily, but after being prisoner for 3 straight after regeneration things would have been a bit harder.
Gently she lowered her hand and the things floated back down to where they began.
"Watch this. Though you may want to take a step back from there for this one." She told him. And he did, he watched her as she concentrated on a lump of what looked like rock and with a clench of her fist it exploded. He was shocked.
"I'd never use it on something alive, though Doctor, unless I really had to. You do know that, right?" And he did, so he nodded at her still in shock.
Chuckling at him she asked, "I know you didn't just come look in for me for no reason. So what's up?."
This shook him out of his daze. "That peck on the cheek you gave Jack." He told her. She looked at him and rolled her eyes.
"It was nothing, sort of an inside joke almost. Jacks first night we played 20 questions. Things got very serious and I did it to make him laugh. Now we both do it to make each other laugh or smile. We're just friends, very close friends, but that's all it is. We don't see each other that way. I promise." She told him honestly. This made the Doctor smile slightly, she'd do whatever had to be done to make someone happy, just like she'd do whatever had to be done to make sure someone was safe. That thought brought him to his next question. "Why did you so willingly stop Rose get hurt if you knew it meant you might get hurt? Why?" He asked her.
"I'd have had a better chance of surviving her, than Rose if she squeezed to tight. Rose is my best friend I'd go to the end of the world to protect her if I had to. And it's not just her I'd do it for. You and Jack too. You three are my family, I've never had one of those before and now I do, I'd do whatever had to be done to protect you all." She teared up as she said this, so did the Doctor a little. With that he gave her a small smile a turned away and left. He wasn't being rude, Ky knew him well enough now to know that, no he was going somewhere quiet to think about what she had just said. Somewhere he could let out his emotions if he'd needed too, alone.


Later that day, whilst Kyraiah was in the kitchen doing some baking, Rose came in to find her.
"So Raiah," Rose started, startling the redhead slightly, "I asked Jack about this and he said it meant nothing and gave me a very cute story about it, which I believe by the way, but did that kiss mean nothing but a friendly gesture to you too." She had to ask because the two of them flirted a lot. It was like Jack had met his match with Ky.
Kyraiah turned and sighed. She's already had this conversation earlier and now she had to have it again. "Yeah, just a friendly kiss. I'm guessing you know when the first one happened..." she asked and Rose nodded. She heard about them playing a game and things got heavy and Ky did it to lighten the mood, her friend always did that. She just wanted to know more. "Well it's something that both of us do to make the other smile or laugh. It works, it's a bit of fun and it means nothing between the two of us." She told rose with a big smile.
"So it's happened multiple time, is what I'm getting from that statement. How have I never seen it before." Rose asked curiously. She may not have been the most observant of people but she sure would have noticed that.
Ky laughed at her friend. "Yeah multiple times. But that was the first time around you lot. Didn't mind you seeing really. It was the Doctor we didn't want to see. He's already questioned me about it and I bet he's also been to see Jack about it." The redhead told the blonde.
The blonde nodded. "He has, I was with Jack earlier and I asked him about this then we started joking about for awhile. After like an hour of us messing about the Doctor come straight into the room and asks to speak to Jack alone. He even waited till he knew I was long gone and couldn't hear him."
The two best friends looked at each other, shook their heads at each other and laughed.
Rose looked at what Kyraiah was making and saw what looked like brownie ingredients. With a bright smile, Rose rolled up her sleeve and washed her hands. The two friends set about making the delicious treats laughing and joking whilst making them. Making quite a mess in the process.

What they didn't realise that, back in the console room the Doctor was watching the girls on the monitor with a wide grin on his face. Smiling at the sight of them both having fun.

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