Boom town part three

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By the time the get back to the Tardis, night has fallen.

"This ship is impossible. It's superb. How do you get the outside around the inside?" Margaret asks the Doctor but before he can answer Ky growls an answer at the woman. "Like we'd give you the secret." The Doctor looks at Ky and realises why she's getting worked up. Margaret is pushing her to see when either of them will snap. She must have seen the close bond between the two back in the office. "Calm down, she wants this reaction from you. She wants you to get angry so I get angry. Calm down, come on you can do it." He thinks but instead of it going to her, it just bounces back to him. This was not good she had blocked him. So instead he just grabs her hand and runs his thumb over the back of it. It seems to work her shoulders slip somewhat and the threatening look in her eye seems to diminish.
"I almost feel better about being defeated. I never stood a chance. This is the technology of the gods." Margaret says, completely missing the interaction whilst looking around in awe.
Everyone else did though. Rose and Jack look at each other then and the duo and smile softly. Mickey in the other hand just frowns, not understanding what's going on. He doesn't know that Ky is like the Doctor, or about the bond.
"Don't worship me - I'd make a very bad god. You wouldn't get a day off, for starters. Jack, how we doing, big fella?" The Doctor asks Jack.
"This extrapolator's top of the range. Where did you get it?" Jack asks Margaret.
"Oh, I don't know. Some airlock sale?" She responds.
"Must've been a great big heist. It's stacked with power." Jack tells the group.
"But we can use it for fuel?" Ky asks, wanting nothing more than to go and get rid of this retched woman.
"It's not compatible, but it should knock off about twelve hours. We'll be ready to go by morning." Jack tells her.
"Then we're stuck here overnight. Great." She says slightly sarcastically.
"I'm in no hurry." Margaret tells them, loving watching them squirm.
"We've got a prisoner. The police box is really a police box." Rose happily says.
"You're not just police, though. Since you're taking me to my death, that makes you my executioners. Each and every one of you." Margaret states.
"Well, you deserve it." Mickey replies.
"You're very quick to say so. You're very quick to soak your hands in my blood, which makes you better than me, how, exactly ? Long night ahead Let's see who can look me in the eye." Margaret challenges them all. Rose, Mickey and Jack cave almost instantly. The Doctor lasts a little longer. But Kyraiah keeps staring at Margaret, the threatening look back in her eyes. It's one thing to threaten the Earth but it's a completely different level to threaten her family. She keeps staring back until it's Margaret that has to look away. The look in her eye scares Margaret to the core. The others look at Ky in surprise, them not realising the lengths she will go to protect them. But as soon as they look at her the look is gone and a bright smile is on her face. She claps her hands and says, "So what now."
Rose and Mickey have left the Tardis to talk and The Doctor watches them on the scanner.
"So, what's on?" Jack says walking over with Ky.
"Nothing, just." The Doctor starts only to be interrupted by Margaret.
"I gather it's not always like this, having to wait. I bet you're always the first to leave, Doctor. Never mind the consequences, off you go. You butchered my family and then ran for the stars, am I right? But not this time. At last you have consequences. How does it feel?"
"I didn't butcher them." He tells her.
"Don't answer back. That's what she wants." Jack then in turn tells him.
"I didn't. What about you? You had an emergency teleport. You didn't zap them to safety, did you?" The Doctor carries on.
"It only carries one. I had to fly without coordinates. I ended up on a skip in the Isle of Dogs. It wasn't funny." Margaret says to the three who are chuckling slightly.
"Sorry. It is a bit funny." The doctor told her.
"Do I get a last request?" The woman cheekily asked.
"Depends what it is." Ky told her, not wanting to put the human race in danger.
" I grew quite fond of my little human life. All those rituals. The brushing of the teeth, and the complicated way they cook things. There's a little restaurant just round the Bay. It became quite a favourite of mine." The woman told the girl, still slightly scared from the look she got earlier.
"Is that what you want, a last meal?" The Doctor asked her.
"Don't I have rights?" She asked the trio.
"Oh, like she's not going to try to escape." Ky said glaring slightly at the villainous woman.
"Except I can never escape the Doctor, so where's the danger? I wonder if you could do it? To sit with a creature you're about to kill and take supper. How strong is your stomach?" Margaret asked them.
"Strong enough." The Doctor replies.
"I wonder. I've seen you fight your enemies, now dine with them."
"You won't change my mind." The Doctor told her.
"Prove it." Margaret said to him.
"There are people out there. If you slip away just for one second, they'll be in danger." Ky said to her.
"Except I've got these." Jack says as he holds up two bangles.
"You both wear one. If she moves more than ten feet away, she gets zapped by ten thousand volts." Jack told the Doctor and Margaret.
"Margaret, would you like to come out to dinner? My treat." The Doctor asked.
"Dinner in bondage. Works for me." Margaret told him.
Jack and Ky are left to carry on mending the Tardis whilst the two couples go out for their dinners.
But Ky couldn't concentrate, and Jack noticed this. "Go on Rai. Go make sure he's safe. I know you want to I'll be fine."
"Are you sure Jack?" To which he just nodded.
"Doctor, wait up. I'm coming too." Ky thought to the Doctor, dropping the block she had earlier. "Come on, then. I was waiting for you to decide. Thought you choose Jack." She felt his reply and chuckled. "Never." She sent back as she ran after them.

At a lovely looking bistro the Doctor asked for a table for three, which confused Margaret as they sat down. That was until she saw the redhead come towards them.
"Here we are, out on a date, and you haven't even asked my proper name."
"It's not a date. What's your name?" The Doctor said to her.
"Blon. I am Blon Fel Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen. That's what it'll say on my death certificate." Margaret it Blon said to them.
"Nice to meet you, Blon." Both Timelords said to her.
"I'm sure. Look, that's where I was living as Margaret. Nice little flat, over there, on the top. Next to the one with the light on." She said to distract them. The Doctor and Ky turn to look and she puts some powder from her ring into the his wine. "Two bedrooms, bayside view. I was rather content. Don't suppose I'll see it again." She continued on as The Doctor swaps the glasses over.
"Suppose not." The Doctor told her.
"Thank you." Blon grimaced having been caught.
"Pleasure." The Doctor smiled back at him.
"Tell me then, Doctor. What do you know of our species?" She asked him.
"Only what I've seen." He told her.
"Did you know, for example, in extreme cases, when her life is in danger, a female Raxacoricofallapatorian can manufacture a poison dart within her own finger." She points at him and dart flies towards him but Ky catches it.
"Yes, I did. So did she."
"Just checking. And one more thing. between you two and me."
They look around then lean forward so Margaret can whisper.
"As a final resort, the excess poison can be exhaled through the lungs." Margaret starts to exhale. The Doctor uses a breath freshener on her.
"That's better. Now then, what do you think? Mmm, steak looks nice. Steak and chips." The Doctor says.
"Public execution's a slow death. They prepare a thin acetic acid, lower me into the cauldron and boil me. The acidity is perfectly gauged to strip away the skin. Internal organs fall out into the liquid, and I become soup. And still alive, still screaming." Blon tells them, trying to make them squirm.
"We don't make the law." Ky tells her.
"But you deliver it. Will you stay to watch?" Blon asks her and the girl just shrugs. None of this really getting to her.
"What else can I do?" The Doctor asks her. Wanting nothing more than to get her away from his daughter. He frezes slightly at that he always thought of her as someone like a daughter but just then it wasn't someone like a daughter, it was just his daughter. The thought back but realised it actually wasn't the first time that was also in 1941 when she went missing. He just hadn't realised it.
"The Slitheen family's huge. There's a lot more of us, all scattered off-world. Take me to them. Take me somewhere safe." Blon continues not noticing the change in the Doctor behaviour.
"But then you'll just start again." Ky told her.
"I promise I won't." Blon promised the girl. The girl was scary and she didn't want her coming after her.
"You've been in that skin suit too long. You've forgotten. There used to be a real Margaret Blaine. You killed her and stripped her and used the skin. You're pleading for mercy out of a dead woman's lips." The Doctor says coming out of his thoughts.
"Perhaps I have got used to it. A human life, an ordinary life. That's all I'm asking. Give me a chance, Doctor. I can change." Blon tried promising again.
"I don't believe you." Was all the Doctor said.

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