The Way Of The Ninja

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Wu and his young adoptive daughter Mistu better known as Misty were traveling to a blacksmith shop. Where they would finally find the last piece to their puzzle.

They entered the blacksmith's shop called, Four Weapons Misty saw a boy with sharp features and spiky brown hair wearing a blacksmith's apron. She could hear him boasting to his sister saying, "I know, no matter how much fire you have, experience isn't something you learn overnight. That may work for you, Nya, but I'm gonna be a better blacksmith than Dad ever was."

The boy then held up a sword he had just forged, the blade of the sword was warped and twisted, it looked like a metal pretzel. The girl named Nya let out a skeptical scoff once she saw it. Nya had short shoulder-length black hair and was wearing a red dress with a golden bird emblazoned on it.

Wu announced his presence by commenting quite scathingly, "Hm, your metal is loud and heavy, useful to slow one down, useless in the art of stealth all tools for a samurai," he finished the statement by smacking the bamboo staff he always carried against a pile of helmets. Making a dreadful clanging sound, as he added scornfully, "But, nothing for a Ninja?"

Kai narrowed his eyes at the elderly man and the little girl beside him. The girl was short in stature, and looked no older than twelve, with long hair that was black with hints of violet, and pale skin, she had violet-colored eyes that seemed to glow slightly. Stranger still the young girl had a sword hanging from a sash attached to her robes. He grimaced as the strange girl picked up a helmet and placed it on her head, it of course was too large and slipped covering her eyes.

"Ninja? Ha!" Kai scoffed and added, "You're a long way from finding a ninja in these parts, Old man, and the shop is called Four Weapons, not For Browsing, either buy something or peddle your insults somewhere else and this isn't a toy store!" Kai snapped and he snatched the helmet from the little girl's head.

"Ha! Too Bad, I thought I'd find something special here, come along Misty," Wu said and he motioned for the girl to hurry to his side and leave the blacksmith shop. Before the girl left, she wrinkled her nose at Kai. A look of clear disdain on her face, which looked very out of place if not slightly comical on the face of someone her age.

She joined the old man as he left, but they didn't go far and ducked behind a tree.

"Why are we staying Sensei? He's already proven he won't be much help to us... even if he's the descendant of Ray and Maya, I doubt the others will get along with him well." Misty mumbled.

"You never know Misty," Sensei Wu said calmly and then added, "I also have a feeling you're saying that because you don't like him very much."

"Guilty as charged," Misty admitted flicking her hair over her shoulder and shrugging. She didn't seem all that upset about being called out.

Misty paused as the sky darkened in an instant. They watched as vehicles made of bone arrived, a large truck and several motorcycles, with skeleton warriors, and they drove toward the little blacksmith shop.

A group of villagers tried to intercept them screaming attack but realized they were outmatched and fled. Kai hurried out of the wearing what looked like a samurai chest plate and helmet wielding a large sword.

He was doing his best to fight off the skeletons even managing to punt one's head over the shop after it bit his foot. Causing two skeletons to clap for him clearly impressed. While they were busy Nya crept up behind them with a bamboo staff and dispatched the two. She smirked and looked pleased with herself.

"I thought I told you to stay back," Kai shouted as the skeletons closed in on the two. "And what let you have all the fun?" Nya replied as she and Kai stood back to back as they became surrounded.

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