The Shadow

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 Misty rushed after the red ninja she noticed that Kai seemed to have had a huge head start, because she couldn't keep up, and soon got lost in the forest only to finally manage to stumble upon an archway.

She looked past the archway and saw a temple, "the Fire Temple" She marveled softly She knew it was the home to the Sword of Fire the last Golden Weapon that the ninja had yet to collect, she saw the doors were not closed but opened.

"That Flamed Headed Fool!" Misty muttered but she hesitated to go in shouldn't she go and grab Wu and the others? But then she heard a shout.

"I'm out of choices," Misty said and she ignored the words she remembered Wu had said to Kai when he had said that using the Scythe was his only option, and she ran into the temple.

She made it just in time to see, Kai leap into the air and yank the Golden Sword free from the stone, and he used Spinjitzu to make it over to his sister who was hanging from the stone roof from a chain, he sliced the chain and caught his sister, and they landed to safety, on the other side, and Kai got up and helped his sister to her feet and said to her, "Stay close."

Misty heard dark and deep laughter echoing through the stone cavern, despite the fact that she had never met, seen, or spoken to Lord Garmadon before but she knew it was him. Something in her soul knew she should fear this being that was no longer a man but of shadow and darkness.

Misty heard Nya say, "Trust me, I'm not going anywhere." Kai shouted, "You can't hurt us. You're only a shadow! You can't hurt us!"

Garmadon chuckled darkly and said, "Even shadows have their uses." A shadow version of Kai appeared with blood-red eyes.

"Kai! Nya!" Misty shouted to the two warning them, Nya noticed the shadow as well and Nya shouted, "Kai, look out!"

The Shadow slashed its own version of the sword and Kai shouted to his sister, "Stay back, Nya." Nya hid behind a boulder and screamed back, "Stay close, stay back. Make up your mind!"

Misty rushed forward to try to help the two, and she called out for Kai to wait for her, but of course, he didn't listen and slashed the Sword of Fire through the shadow.

But it did nothing, and the shadow kicked Kai, and sent him flying backward back toward his sister, who shouted, "That's not fair!" Misty managed to make it over to the two others.

Garmadon then said, "Oh, am I being too hard?" and the shadow versions of Kai multiplied.

Kai glared back at her rushed forward and "sliced" his way through the shadows, only to make it through only three and he got punched backward and dropped the powerful weapon, Nya sighed and covered her face with one of her hands. The Shadow nearest to the sword bent down and picked it up. Another shadow appeared in the midst of the shadows of Kai.

It was a shadow of Wu, he had landed on a stone that was in the middle of the lava, and he started fighting but instead of jumping to fight against the shadows.

Wu used his own shadow as an opponent and fought the others off, he then made a shadow form of a hawk, and the others ran off he laughed, and kicked the shadow holding the sword, and the monster ended up dropping it. Wu jumped and caught it and landed on the other side.

Garmadon then said, "Brother, I see you protect three. But what of the others?"

"They are safe, far from your grasp, Garmadon!" Wu shouted, Kai, Nya, and Misty walked behind Wu to join him.

"I wouldn't be so confident," Garmadon answered there was something in Dark Lord's voice that Misty realized the other three were not safe but in danger.

Wu realized this and said, "My brother must not unite the four weapons, we must keep them apart!"

They tried to run but Garmadon shouted, "Awaken, guardian of the deep! They're stealing the sword! You must not let them escape!" A large red Dragon rose out of the lava it was a fiery red beast and it let out a defeating roar. Nya understandable screamed and Misty let out a wispy squeak.

The Dragon used its wing and caused stones to fall and block the exit.

"There's no way out. He's taken away all of our options!" Kai shouted

"All but one," Wu said and he jumped backward and landed on a different slab of stone than the other three. He raised the sword.

Kai already seemed to realize what Wu was planning and shouted, "Sensei what are you doing?"

Wu slashed the stone cutting it free and he started floating away, still holding the sword.

"No, you fool!" Garmadon shouted

The stone started floating away toward the lava fall, and Wu said, "If he is to bring the other weapons here, then I will take the Sword of Fire to the Underworld, It is my sacrifice to bear." Wu then sat on the stone crossed-legged calmly.

"No! You can't!" Misty screamed and she tried to run forward to stop Wu. Nya grabbed her arm and pulled her back. The young ninja was in such distress that she had nearly fallen into lava just to try and reach Wu to stop him.

"No, it's mine. I shouldn't have come on my own. No, it's mine. I shouldn't have come on my own. You don't have to do this. There has to be another way!" Kai shouted

Misty screamed louder than Kai did, as Wu fell off the side of the lava fall, the only person who had ever raised her gone to face his fate.

She turned to see, the shadow version of Garmadon, saying, "Then I will see you there, brother." and the shadow disappeared.

Kai then said, "It's all my fault. Sensei won't be able to hold out for long."

Nya then turned to face the dragon and said, "Forget sensei, what about us?" The dragon roared and Misty flinched in fear and braced herself for whatever came next. 

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