Once Bitten, Twice Shy 8

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The Ninja were in the bridge as Nya was teaching them about the snake tribe called the Fangpyre and she pulled a clothe off to reveal a two headed snake skeleton, and she said, "Some villagers unearthed the remains of this Fangoyre a few miles away, It predates the Golden Age, and must be hundred of years old. Although the venom in the fangs of the Fangpyre, genetically mutate human cells into reptilian, I've learned there could be a way to stop the effects without having to create an antivenin, if on is able to wildly raise their heart rate, hypothetically it could reverse the venom's effects..resulting in...."

Jay was the only one paying attention to the lesson and it was because he was paying more attention to who was teaching it than the topic itself .

"..diminished, uh-- excuse me , is someone wearing perfume, I am severely allergic to perfume." Nya said

All of them looked to Misty who said, "It wasn't me but I can smell it."

Jay then turned to Kai and said, "You told me it was men's cologne."

"Eh, I get them mixed up." Kai said and then the ninja laughed expect for Jay.

Zane flipped off his humor switch and grabbed his things and stood up.

Cole said, "Ah, looks like class is over, time to start stomping some Serpentine before they find any fang blades."

"Sounds like a plan." Kai said

"I am excited to join." Zane agreed and they lifted but Misty noticed at Jay had gone back so she hid behind the corner to listen.

"Uh, hey, Nya, I'm sorry. The reason I was-- You Know-- I went to Kai because--look what I'm trying to say is--" Jay said

"I know. It's just a cruel joke. I should be fine. Please, go fight snakes." Nya said

"No,no,no I was trying to impress you, before Sensei left he said our heat was the key to unlocking our true potential." Jay admitted

"Impress me? Buy I look so...." Nya said and was cut off when Jay said, "Fantastic."

"Look maybe, if you'll let me, I can take you to some big fancy restaurant. You don't have to, if you don't want to..." Jay said

"you mean like a date?" Nya said

"Um, yeah?" Jay said

"Sure! I'd love, but I have to go now before the perfume toxins enter my bloodstream and I go into shock. See you tonight." Nya said and she walked out the door only to run into Misty. "I uh.. dropped something so I came back to get it." Misty said and then said, "I'll be going now" and she ran. but giggled to herself as she ran off.

Soon she returned to the bridge as they were waiting for any alerts, Jay entered dressed up. Cole then said, "Whoa, where are you going Mr. Fancy?"

"Didn't you hear, I'm taking Nya to a nice restaurant, a really nice restaurant." Jay said smugly

"you might wanna change you plans. The bridge just picked up some evidence of Serpentine activity, over at Mega Monster Amusement Park." Kai said

They saw a picture and Jay said, "Hey, that's Pythor."

"Pythor would not be there for fun, we believe a Fangblade may be buried underneath the park." Zane said

"We can't let them get it! Oh but my date!" Jay sighed

"Jay, if they get all four of them, Python can unleash the Great Devourer. Get your priorities straight man." Kai scolded

But then Jay came up with an idea and ran off.

Misty sighed and shook her head and said,"And this is why I'm going to stay single." as they walked to the edge of the Bounty and they jumped off.

"Plans change, Misty you might be surprised with what the future may hold." Zane said

"Yeah, tell me when someone invents a perfect match machine, and we'll see who's right." Misty said cooly.

They landed in Mega Monster Amusement park but it seemed empty. "Where is everyone?" Kai asked

Just then a bunch of screaming people came running out of the the haunted house ride. "Wait a minute that ride was never scary." Cole said

"Venomari." Zane guessed

"Should we get Jay?" Kai asked

"Let's not bother the two love birds I think we can handle this." Cole said

Misty "whatever will work out the best I don't mind."

They then ran toward the entrance of the ride as people still cam running out, "Excuse us, we're coming through." Kai said

"Nothing to look at." Cole said

"This is official ninja business." Zane agreed

They made it into the ride but Pythor already had the fang blade in hand.

"Not so fast!" Kai shouted

"really? That's the best you got?" Cole said and shook his head

"I couldn't think of anything on the fly." Kai said

"How about Time to burn, or Jump on this fire ride?" Cole shouted

"Well next time you lead." Kai shouted

"Next time I will!" Cole answered

"Oh, yeah? If you can catch up." Kai shouted

"You gotta follow my lead." Cole snapped

Meanwhile the snakes had time to get ready, and they soon were battling the snakes.

Zane tried to do what he had done with the Queen but instead he froze the rest of his team into ice.

The Snakes started laughing, and then they ran out the door.

Misty thought to herself, "This sucks! A Lot! Please, please let Jay find some way to save the day."

Eventually the ninja were freed from their icy prison, and met outside the Amusement Park.

"You really had me fooled I never guessed you were the Samurai." Zane said

"I wish I had a sister like you." Cole said

Nya smiled, and Misty said, "Your an amazing hero Nya"

Kai then said, "Technically I was the first to discover her secret, and didn't we agree whoever we thought was the best would naturally be the Green Ninja? huh? The Green Ninja! One of the Destined ninja to defeat Lord Garmadon, huh?"

"why would we say that?" Jay asked

"Yeah I'm drawing a blank." Cole added

"Nope. That conversation is not in my database." Zane agreed

You know what I learned today?" Jay said

"Whats that?" Nya asked

"No matter what kind of secret you have, whether you're a snake or a samurai, it's important to be yourself." Jay said

"Yeah, that's cute, but you wanna know what I learned? The Serpentine now have the first Fangeblade." Cole said

"But we are getting stronger. One day we will all reach our true potential and Pythor will be stopped." Zane said

"And we figured all this out without Sensei pretty good for five ninja." Jay said Nya then smacked Jay in the arm and he added quickly, "And a Samurai."

"I wonder what sensei is doing now." Kai asked

"I just hope he comes back soon..." Misty sighed

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