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The next morning the ninja were practicing in the courtyard, they were sparing against each other, "My turn. Uh it's my turn" Kai shouted, and Cole then shouted, "oh, you want a little more? Take this!" and then jay shot back, "Yeah? How about a little of this?"

"Monkey paw to the head." Kai shouted

"Ninja Roll!" Cole said

"Dragon Punch!"Jay shouted, He was using his nunchucks to deflect arrows at were flying at him.

Cole was cutting down the dummy on the course using his scythe and Kai used Spinjitzu and flew around the course.

Misty was jumping from post to post as they moved up and down, practicing on her parkour skills.

Zane had been sitting in the middle of the courtyard mediating, and of a sudden he jumped to his feet and jumped past Jay interrupting him. He then jumped over to Cole and took his Scythe and used it to sever on of the dummies body from it's head. "Hey! what?" Shouted Cole

Then he used Spinjitzu and the ground he was touching was covered with ice and even the post he flew past. Kai slipped on the ice and fell and landed on his back.

The post Misty had been about to land on was covered with Ice and she slipped and landed hard on the ground. "Ouch!" she shouted

And Kai came over and helped her to her feet and they soon joined Jay and Cole who both looked annoyed as well.

"This roof isn't big enough for the five of us." Kai said

"Correction, this rood isn't big enough for him." Cole said glaring at Zane us was still using Spinjitzu and had covered the whole courtyard in ice.

"I'm all for teamwork but some times I need some space to train." Misty agreed and then added, "One that is Ice free."

"It's like he's in his own world. I bet he can't even hear us!" Jay shouted

If Zane did heard them he chose to ignore them, and continued training.

Sensei, Wu came over and Kai said, "Sensei, Zane's weird."

"What is weird? Someone who is different, or someone who is different than you?" Wu said

"No, Sensei, he's "weird" Weird." Cole said

Misty nodded and said, "each one of us have had some awkward and usual interactions with Zane, or we've witness them."

The Ninja looked over and saw Zane bow to a dummy.

And Kai continued and said, "We like the guy, he's really smart, he's just, uh, a little off sometimes."

Wu answered with, "Zane is a brother, and brothers are often different, I should know."

All of a sudden the ninja heard, the sound of a gong crash the single that someone had range the door bell.

"mail!" Kai, Cole and Jay said and ran to the door.

And they opened the door and the Mail man stood on the other side, and he sighed and said, "Let's see, a letter from Jay's parents."

He handed the letter to the blue ninja, and then the mail man said, "Kai has a fan letter." and Kai took it and then the mail man said, "Oh, something from Cole's father."

Cole took it but then said, "what? No package? I'm expecting something from Creatures, Beast & Beyond."

The Mail man then looked back through his bag and said, "Hmm, no nothing from, uh...." and then pulled out a package and said, "Ah, here it is."

Misty and the Rise of the Snakes (Ninjago)Where stories live. Discover now