King of Shadows

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The ninja traveled with Wu to a harbor. The instant Misty saw the boats she recoiled and said, "Yeah that's not going to work,"

Kai raised an eyebrow and said, "Meaning what now?"

"I... don't do ships, I get horrible motion sickness," Misty confessed

"It'll be alright Misty well make sure you've got a bucket," Jay said smirking as he patted Misty on the shoulder.

She shot him a glare and said, "I'll make sure to stand next to you," she disgruntedly still got on the boat looking as hesitant as ever.

The Ninja sailed to icy snow-covered land, Wu was meditating on the Dragonhead, at the front of the ship.

Jay was planning an I Spy game, "I spy something white."

Cole was steering the ship and sighed sounding annoyed, "Could you try to be quiet for once? This ain't easy." then they ran into something and the boat jostled a little, and Jay then said, "Oh I spy something broken."

Misty meanwhile was clinging to the railing of the boat looking sick. "It's cold and and I feel like I'm going to hurl!" She shouted

Kai was shivering next to Zane and said, "If sensei knows the way to the next golden weapon, why isn't he steering the ship? We've been drifting aimlessly for miles."

"Sensei's wisdom is beyond my own," Zane confessed

Wu then said, "The Most powerful move in Spinjitzu, can only be accomplished when all four elements are combined."

He jumped down to the deck and made a motion and said, "Earth" He then did a different one and said, "Ice" and then another different one and said, "Fire" and finally a fourth and said "Lightning."

Jay came over and said, "What happens when all of them are combined?"

"The tornado of creation has the power to create something out of nothing," Wu said

Kai attempted the movements, and Wu turned to him and said sharply, "No Kai, if done incorrectly, it will lead to disastrous consequences."

Kai stopped and said, "Disastrous Consequences? Right." He then performed the last move and just as he did the ship slammed into something all of them fell to the ground. Except for Misty who seemed to be the last straw and she bolted for the edge of the ship and jumped onto land.

Cole was at the steering wheel and said, "Uh, it wasn't me."

Kai looked at his hand and said, "Did I do that?"

Wu walked to the railing of the ship and said, "No. We are here."

"Thank goodness!" Misty said and sighed with relief as she stumbled off the boat.

The Ninja then walked into the cavern ice was everywhere, and there were many skeletons that had turned into frozen statues.

"Looks like someone's already been here," Cole noted

They then got to the center and Zane saw what they had come for, "the Shurikens, were floating above them, and The Ninja made a tower to lift Zane, but as soon as his hands touched the weapons, He turned to an ice block.

To make things worse the Ice Dragon broke free the Ninja caught Zane and they ran from the cavern, they barely made it out and ended up riding Ice-covered Zane as a slide. They rammed into a post shattering Zane's icy cocoon.

"Ow." Cole groaned, Misty let out an exhausted sigh as she saw Wu hold up the Map pointing to the next location.

Next were the nunchucks, the ninjas had to climb a huge version of them as lightning split the sky around them, and they noticed that the skeletons were following them. Jay grabbed the golden weapons and then a dragon appeared behind him.

They jumped off and glided down to safety, that night they celebrated, around a campfire, Jay and Kai were dancing and Cole was playing the bongos. Misty was also enjoying herself she sitting near the fire reading a book.

"Come on, Sensei join us," Kai said

"There is still one weapon left. We must get out!" Wu snapped

"Oh, Sensei, look you gotta admit, we're kicking their bony butts," Jay complained

"Get up here. Show us some moves." Kai said

"I guess I could." Wu said thoughtfully and he got up and said, "Now this move is very special."

"But if done incorrectly, will lead to disastrous consequences?" Zane asked

The others laughed and Kai said, "Zane is that a joke? A sense of Humor? You found it."

Cole began to play again and, Misty had set the book down and was sitting beside him watching as Wu danced Wu said, "Shake what your mama gave you, yeah. Look at this one now. Mm, hoo-hoo yeah, spin around. Oh, yeah. I put my feet--" All of them laughed and continued to enjoy the night until they fell asleep.

Misty was curled up next to Cole her back resting against his side, using him as a space heater to keep warm. Cole was sprawled out in an almost starfish position on the ground snoring. She was woken up by hearing Kai cry out, "Nya wait up!"

She sat up startled and saw him running off into the forest. She placed her hands on Cole's chest and shook him trying to wake him up. "Cole! Cole wake up!" she said

He just mumbled an apology in his sleep and turned over thinking he was accidentally squishing her in his sleep. Misty realized if she didn't go after Kai now she might lose sight of him she took off into the forest, "Where is he running off to?" she muttered. 

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