Rise of the Great Devourer 12

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The Bounty was on its way to SpiteFire Mountain where they were supposed to one able to get rid of the Fangblades once and for all.

It was storming outside the ship and it was begin bused by the wind, rain, and lightning outside.

Misty was sitting with, Nya, Kai, and Jay at the table in front of them were the fangblades.

"Why is it that Torchfire Mountain is the only place, we can destroy the fangbaldes?" Nya asked

"Because the fang blades are made from the original teeth, of the Devourer. They're so strong they can only break down in extraordinary heat." Kai explained

"Uh, could someone pass the salt?" Jay asked Just then the boat rocked and he gasped, the salt that had been at the end of the table slid down toward him and he winked and said, "Hey, thanks."

He was eating a sandwich

Cole then opened the door from the outside he looked as motion sick as Misty felt. and said, "Please. No one talk about food."

Lightening crashed and the ship rocked more. and Cole stumbled around but hung on to the door frame and said, "How much longer until we get there?"

"Not long. He Cole, you're looking a little green over there, How'd you like a mucous salt sandwich?" Jay said holding up his sandwich

Cole then hurried out of sight and Misty could hear the sound of him throwing up.

Jay laughed and said, "speaking of green, who would've guessed little Lloyd Garmadon turned out to be the Green Ninja?"

"I know. He was such a brat at first, it's hard to believe he's gonna become the greatest Ninja, that ever lived." Nya said

Misty scowled upon hearing this and let out a scoff of disbelief.

Kai cleared his throat and said, "Where is that little runt?"

All of them looked at Misty and said," Do you know where he is Misty?"

Misty shook her head and said, "No doubt training though maybe I should go and check how he's doing to make sure he didn't kill himself on accident."

Misty walked down the hall and opened the training room door just in time to see Pythor tying Lloyd to a punching bag via his too-long sleeves.

Misty gasped and opened her mouth to shout for the others. But Pythor wrapped his tall around her and squeezed causing the breath from her lungs to be squeezed out. As she was light-headed he tied her up and stuck duck tape over her mouth. Once he was done he disappeared, and slithered out of the door, laughing.

"This is great just great." Misty thought sourly she was leaning against the wall with a rope tied around her. She could see Lloyd from where she was sitting he was tied to a punching bag that was swinging slightly.

Misty then heard Nya's voice come over the PA system and it said, "Will everyone please place their seat back, and tray table in the full upright and locked position? We have reached our destination, Torchfire Mountain. Give it a minute while we settle into position."

Misty could feel a crystal forming in one of her hands, and she made it long and started sawing away at the rope behind her.

"Faster, faster! Cut faster!" She thought, "Pythor's on the ship!"

All of a sudden the ship tipped and Misty when skidding into the wall, she felt her head slam against the wood but could see that Lloyd had managed to get himself off the punching bag his hands were still tied but the duck tape had peeled off and he ran over to the intercom and used his head to pressed the button and shouted into it. "Pythor's on board!"

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