I Know Who I Am 7

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Misty then turned to the ninja and said,"so how do we find these Fangblades? Put up missing poster around town?" Misty said sacrastically.

The Ninja looked at each other and soon enough they were walking around a village placing poster everywhere.

"Does no one know what sarcasm is!" Misty said

Zane sighed and said, "Oh, this is silly."

"You have any better ideas?" Cole snapped

"Hey, maybe Sensei is gonna go get the Samurai for help." Jay said

"The Samurai? I'm sure she's--I mean he's busy looking for the Fangblades as well." Kai said

"Uh, is everything all right?" Cole asked

"Yeah, yeah. Why wouldn't it be?" Kai said

"One hundred percent we're not hiding anything." Nya said

Misty was hanging up another poster when she heard a voice shout, "Hey, weirdo, you're making a mess of my store front! Yoo-hoo! You got a problem? Maybe I should teach you a lesson on manners." The store front person shouted Zane had dropped the rest of the flyers and had walked off in a trance like state.

Misty and Kai hurried over and said, "I'm sorry, sir. Sometimes our friend is in another world."

"He's littering all over the place." the Store front person shouted

Cole had come over and said, "We'll pick it up. So sorry."

And the Ninja started picking up the flyers and Jay had joined them and he said, "Zane, what's the deal?

That's when Misty heard the familiar cry of the Falcon and they ran out were Zane was.

"It's the Flacon oh my gosh, every time we follow it, it leads us to good fortune." Jay shouted and they ran after the bird. They followed it out of the village and threw a dessert and into a snow covered landscape.

"I guess good fortune is really far away." Kai said

Soon they had to climb a mountain side but Jay stayed be hind to catch his breath saying he'd catch up later. After that they lost Cole to who had to stop to rest.

Zane was the only one not tried and Kai said to Misty, "Good thing we are in peak physical condition." Both him and Misty gasped for breath but eventually continued after Zane. And the falcon lead them to a snowy forest next.

"Gosh that bird just keeps going." Kai said and then noticed a sign that Misty had was currently holding on to so she could catch her breath, and said, "Hey, what do you make of this?"

Zane then said, "I am not familiar with a Treehorn."

"It's Probably just some wild squirrels," Kai said

"But it says BEWARE!" Misty interjected

Kai looked up and said, "Well don't lose him, me and Misty will wait for the other guys to catch up."

Misty and Kai then laid down in the snow and Misty mumbled, "Peak, physical condition... I think Sensei was begin generous when he said that."

"We have to wait for the others until we try to continue." Kai said

"Then lets hope they take their time." Misty admitted

But soon Cole caught up to them and so did Jay and they followed Zane's footprints to a clearing, and they saw there was a hole in on of the trees that looked like a door so Misty and the others went inside. "Zane?" Kai asked as they descended the stairs.

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