Never Trust a Snake 4

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Misty has just finished brushing her teeth just as she saw Zane shoot up in his bed and smacked his head on the bottom of Kai's bunk bed.

"Oh, sleeping in, you're gonna be late for training," Jay said to Zane as he finished making his bed. 

"How come no one awakened me?" Zane asked sleepily it was clear he was still a little disoriented from just waking up. 

"We didn't think you wanted us to, you looked like you were having some dream," Kai answered

"How do I know this isn't a dream--" Zane asked but was cut off by Cole smacking him in the head with a pillow and asking, "Does that feel like a dream?" Cole let out a laugh. 

"No, thank you for your help." Zane muttered the other ninja laughed and Jay turned to Misty and said, "Ready for training?"

"As always," Misty replied with a smile 

When they walked out onto the deck Kai turned and Zane and said, "Heh-heh, little slow today, huh? What exactly did you dream about?"

The Ninja were lined up and were preparing for training with Sensei Wu. 

"I saw the Falcon again." Zane said but then Jay butted in and said, "Whoa, Zane every time you see that bird something big happens. First, it lead you to the secret tree house."

"Then it led you to the Bounty." Cole said but before the ninja could say anything more Sensei Wu walked out and said, "All right. Stretches, first the swooping Crane."

And the Ninja followed Sensei's lead, and Zane whispered to the others and said, "This time it showed me the Green Ninja and Misty."

All of the Ninja who were in shock shouted, "THE GREEN NINJA?"

Zane was still in the correct stretch but, Kai had his hand over his eyes, Jay had his hand covering his mouth and Cole had both his hands covering his ears, Misty's eyes were the size of dinner plates. And Wu said, "That looks like the Shocked Monkey," all the Ninja turned to look at him and he scolded them by saying, "Bad form, more focus." and he turned back around

The other Ninja got back into the right positions and Jay whispered to Zane, "You can't just drop a bomb like that, spill the beans."

"Yeah, what else did you see?" Kai said

"He and Misty were fighting Lord Garmadon," Zane explained

"That's what the prophecy said, that the Green Ninja or Purple Ninja would defeat the Dark Lord, but did you have a chance to see which one of us was him?" Kai asked

"Yeah," Jay said

"Did you see?" Cole asked

"Who am I going to be working with?" Misty asked

"I could not tell. He shared attributes each of us possess-" Zane said but was cut off when Wu, said, "Now Pinching Crab."

The Ninja crouched down with bent knees and their hands in claw-like shapes, to resemble that of a crab. and Kai said, "Well, tell us everything, and don't soarer any details, there has to be a clue to tell us which one of us is gonna be the Green Nin--" He was cut off when Wu walked over and pulled a piece of Kai's hair, "OW, Ow, ow! Hey!" Kai shouted

Wu stopped and asked, "What was so important to ignore my teachings?"

"Uh, nothing," Kai said

"It was nothing Sensei," Jay said

"Yeah, we don't talk while you teach," Cole said

"Everyone was paying attention," Zane said

Wu looked to Misty and all the other Ninja looked at Misty shooting her pleading looks, "uh...." Misty said and then said, "I was definitely paying attention! Crabs right? And she started shuffling from side to side in the position she was in.

Wu sighed and said, "Since you all appear to be lacking in focus, then you can all share in the punishment."

"What?" Kai asked

"Punishment?!" Jay yelped

"It was all Zane!" Cole shouted

"I was merely answering their questions." Zane sputtered

"No free time and no video games. The rest of the day can be used for training, and tomorrow for that matter." Wu shouted and walked away

"Training? For how long?" Kai asked

"Until you can answer this simple riddle. What is the best way to defeat an enemy?" Wu asked

"Easy, with a sword," Kai said

"Spinjitzu!" Cole shouted

"your fist!" Jay countered

"Tornado of Creation?" Zane attempted

Misty stayed silent she had a puzzled look on her face. 

 Wu sighed and said, "Ah. Pace yourselves. You have a lot of training ahead of you, Make sure you sharpen your mind as well as your spinjitzu." Wu said and walked away.

Cole sighed and said, "Ah. What's the best way to defeat an enemy? It could be anything."

"Come on guys we're smart. We can figure this out." Jay said and they started training.

But when Kai saw Wu leave he then walked over to Zane and said, "Yeah, but let's hear more about this dream."

"Let me just say, the Green Ninja is awesome." Zane said then he turned to Misty and said, "Didn't Wu say to you that no matter what yours and the Green Ninja's destiny is forever intertwined?"

All of the other Ninja looked to Misty who looked nervous she nodded and shuffled her feet, and added, "But only one of us will get the glory of saving Ninjago... there might be two of us but only one of us will rise to the challenge the other will fall..." Misty said gravely, and then said, "But tell us more."

And Zane continued to describe the Green Ninja, and he said, "With his fist on fire,"

All of the Ninja gasped and Kai said, "So I'm the Green Ninja."

"What are you talking about, he had incredible strength to lift that cargo and save his life. It's me." Cole said

"No, no. Did you miss the part of the story, where the guy pulled out nunchucks? I have nunchucks." Jay shouted and pulled out his golden weapon.

"I think you're all missing the point of the dream. The point is the falcon flew on his arm and it was my dream, so naturally, it's me." Zane said

"I think we can cross Cole off the list I could've lifted--" Jay was cut off by Cole who said, "Whoa, cross me off the list? Anyone can hold nunchucks." Cole shouted

Then they turned to Misty and shouted, "Who is it your the one who should know!"

Misty stumbled backward and ran into Wu who said, "Since you are not training, you must have already found the answer to my riddle. what is the best way to defeat your enemy?"

"The best way to defeat your enemy is to... train Sensei?" Kai said uncertainly

"Incorrect! Maybe more training will help you focus, remember what happened to your vehicles when you lost focus, a razor-sharp weapon is an extension of a razor-sharp mind." Wu left them still standing there.

The Other Ninja groaned and Jay said, "How am I supposed to focus when we don't know who the Green Ninja is?"

"I don't want to be training all day. Let's work together on this riddle. We can figure it out." Cole said

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