The Hypnobrai's Sleeper Agent 2

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The next morning the ninja were running to the fort following Zane, and Misty.

Kai then asked Zane when they had caught up, "Uh tell us again how you stumbled upon Lloyd's secret headquarters?"

Zane answered with "We followed a bird."

Jay then asked, "Why did you guys follow a bird?"

And Zane answered matter of factly, "because it danced."

Jay then said, "oh, okay was it a cuckoo bird?"

The Other ninja laughed expect for Zane and mIsty rolled her eyes, and Zane then said, "
Of course not. everyone knows cuckoo birds are not indigenous to these forest." and then he ran off.

Just like before they found the giant tree house, they could hear Lloyd yelling from the Tree house.

"Holy cannoli, Frosty and the kid were right!" Cole said

"We can't let that brat and those snakes get a foothold in Ninjago, we got to destroy that thing before it becomes operational." Kai said

But then Jay said, "Whoa. Are you sure? It looks like a pretty cool tree house. There's a ropes course. Oh a tree swing"

"Hey. remember whose team you're on all right guys, what do we do?" Cole said

"It looks like the entire place is begin supported by those three trees, once those ties are severed, the whole thing is gonna fall like a house of cards." Kai said

"But why would one make a house of cards? Such construction would be careless." Zane said

"Oh, brother." Kai muttered and then, Cole said, "Travel in shadows boys... oh and girl."

"thanks." Misty muttered

Jay then said teasingly, "Hey, Misty if your fighting Lloyd don't go easy on him just because you like him."

"I swear Jay I will kick you off the highest point on this tree house if you do not shut you mouth." Misty shot back

Slowly the Ninja made there way up and then looked in through the roof and saw Lloyd laugh and say, "It's almost finished soon my fortress will be complete."

The he shouted to one of the snakes, "you! Hold up that sign for me!"

The snake held up the sign and it said, "No Ninjas or Girls."

Lloyd pulled a lever and it opened up and the snake fell and he shouted, "Booby trap!"

Jay ran up to one of the trees and cut a line and the tree house became unstable.

Zane cut the next one, and the tree house was only begin supported by one after that.

Lloyd looked up and saw Kai and Misty together, and he shouted, "I said no ninja and no girls! Attack!"

But then one of the other snakes shouted retreat and the others followed that ones orders instead of the Lloyd's the tree house was crumbling.

Kai yelled to Cole who was charge of cutting the last line, "Cole wait till we're off the tree house, then cut the line."

Cole nodded, and soon Zane and Jay joined Kai and Misty and Jay asked, "where's Cole?"

"This whole place it coming down." Kai said

And all of a sudden Cole leaped down and said, "No one goes anywhere until you deal with me," he was holding the scythe was stalking toward the ninja.

"What gotten into him?" Kai asked

"he's under their control." Zane said

"Yeah, well be better snap out of it quick, because this whole place looks like it's about to go down." Jay shouted

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