First Attempt 13

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The ninja arrived at the Junkyard that belonged to Jay's mother and father. "Good idea Kai if the Devourer likes to consume, this place is a full on buffet." Cole said

"Looks like my parents are gone." Jay said after he knocked on the trailer and

Kai pulled out the blueprints and said, "Good better for us." and he laid them out on the hood of a truck.

The other ninjas gathered around and looked at the blue prints and Jay said, "It's so awesome!"

"Zane do you still have a recording of the Sacred Flute in your memory bank?" Kai asked

"It might've been destroyed earlier, but I have it's exact tone recorded and ready for playback." Zane said

And he flipped a switch on his arm and played the recording and the sound of the flute played back to them.

"Good, and there should be enough spare parts around hereto build this whopper, but we're gonna need to create our biggest tornado of creation yet, this is gonna be dangerous and we can't have anyone around." Kai said just then they hear the sound of a bicycle bell and they turned to see the mail carrier on his bike pedaling not the yard.

Cole sounded annoyed as he said, "Ugh. What's he doing here?"

"Begin a problem." Misty muttered

Kai and Jay ran out to great the mail carrier.

Who gasped and said, "You ninja are always sneaking around, giving people heart attacks. You're too quiet."

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. But you need to get out of here, now." Kai said

The Mail carrier was reaching into his bag and said, "Uh, well now, I too have a job to do and that's delivering the mail, which I plan to do." and he walked forward with a letter in his hand but Jay took it from him and said, "look dude, my parents are even here. You really should be on you'r way."

"Them too? Uh, let me guess, are they at the Take Back Ninjago rally too?" The Mail carrier asked

The other ninja came out to join them and Jay looked to Kai and said sounding confused, "Uh, take back Ninjago Rally?"

"What you guys haven't heard? Everyones getting together for a rally in the city. To raise awareness about all the Serpentine problems, that have been surfacing lately." The man explained

"Whoa would you look at that. You guys are inspirational." Lloyd said

"Wait a minute. You know what? You guys are right. Wherever you guys are, trouble is always around the corner." The man said and the nInja could see the Devourer was coming toward them and they got ready, as the man said, "I think I'll be leaving now because whatever you guys are up to, I want no part of it."

The Devourer arrived "SNAKE!!!!!" shouted the man and dove into a trash can. The Devourer looked at the Ninja and then at all the Junk behind them.

"It's now or never guys!" Kai shouted and then shouted, "Ninja go! Fire!"




Misty dove to the side and Nya managed to grab her hand and pull her to where her and Lloyd were just as the Tornado formed and started pulling thing in.

When the dust cleared a vehicle had been created. "Zane now!" Kai shouted

The sound of the Flute shot out of the two cannons but it flew over the snakes head.

"Zane, what was that? This isn't target practice, your suppose to hit him, not give him a haircut." Cole shouted

The snake roared. "May I remind you we just magically whipped up this head of junk." Zane shot back.

"I hope one of us created a reverse feature because..... "Reverse!" Kai shouted as the snake lunged toward them.

"How's this for Reverse!" Cole shouted and the car flew backward into a pile of tires.

the Ninja avoided the snake's attacks, and Zane once again tried to hit the snake but missed.

"The ninja drove over the wall and Zane shouted, "I need you help holding him in place.

"Hows this?" Jay shouted and he use two grappling claws and then the ninja broke through the wall again and held the snake down."

"Zane before it gets away! Now Zane Now! Take the shot!" Kai shouted

Just as the snake was getting back up, Zane took the shot and shouted, "Charm your way out of this!" It slammed into the snake and it wither in pain.

Misty saw the tail coming up behind the ninja, and She tried to shout for them to move and she shot crystal at the tail trying to create a barrier but the snake's tail shattered through it and slammed into the compartment that Zane had been in.

"Zane!" all of the ninja shouted

Then snake then slithered away toward the city.

"Is everybody okay?" Cole asked

"Where's Zane?" Lloyd asked

"right here!" Zane said and he pushed some things off him, and Misty could see that a part of the covering of his face had been broken off and they could see the wires."That was close." Zane said

"Good close." Kai agreed

"Perfect. Now that was a total failure." Jay said

"Not total. Did you guys noticed on his forehead, it has a weak spot." Kai said

"Oh, great let me make a note of that, Giant snake has wee, itty-bitty weak spot, that'll be totally impossible to get at because the thing is too ridiculously huge to do anything to stop it!" Jay ranted

"Are you done?" Nya asked

Jay let out a sigh and said, "Ah. Yes."

"Good because things just got worse, the snake is now heading toward Ninjago city." Nya said

"That's where my parents are." Jay said

"So is everbody else." Cole said

"If it consumes the biggest city in all of Ninjago there will be no stopping it." Kai said

"Then we have to get there! Quick whip that heap of junk back into shape now! I've lost my Sensei, and my home but I'm not going to let that snake take anymore!" Misty said

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