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Kai then found himself climbing up the side of an almost sheer cliff he was struggling to do so. But as he looked over he saw Sensei Wu the seemingly elderly old man climbing it with ease. Misty passed Kai as well on her way up. He could tell she was struggling, maybe not with the climb itself but definitely with the height. He could hear the young girl mumbling over and over to herself under her breath, "Don't look down, don't look down, don't look down," she was repeating it to herself like a mantra.

When Kai made it to the top he found Wu sitting on a rock waiting for him and Misty was leaning with her back against the two huge red doors. "How long is this training gonna be?" Kai asked he was gasping for breath and then added, "Arent we in a bit of a rush since they have the map?"

Wu stood up and stroked part of his long beard thoughtfully and said, "Patience" he nodded to Misty who pulled the two doors and they swung open. Wu led them inside and Wu said, "You will be ready when you are ready, Not a minute sooner."

"A monastery? You expect me to learn to fight in a place of peace?" Kai scoffed in disbelief.

"Not fight. train, to become a true Ninja, first, you must be able to see what others do not," Wu said calmly

"But there's nothing here," Kai complained

Wu raised an eyebrow and then tapped his staff against a pole with a golden Dragon statue on it the statue tipped backward to reveal a button. Wu pressed it and the empty courtyard began to rumble and shake, before their eyes it turned into a training course.

Kai marveled and said, "Is this gonna teach me how to do that cool move?" And he jumped onto a post and got into a crane position and the post started going down under his weight like a spring.

"Uh, Kai," Misty said nervously as she watched him.

"Oh, Dear," Wu said as he watched the post get shorter under Kai's weight.

The post launched Kai straight into the air and he slammed into a couple of things before he slammed into the ground face first.

"That's going to leave a mark..." Misty muttered and winced as she watched Kai peel himself off the ground.

"Complete the training course before I finish tea then we will see if you are ready." Wu said He then poured himself a cup and promptly drank it and afterward placed it down and said "Today you failed," He jumped back behind the screen doors and said, "Tomorrow you will try again."

"FAILED? But I didn't even start to—" Kai started to say but the doors shut before he could finish.

"I could help you if you want after all I want to help you get your sister back," Misty offered

"I doubt you could help me," Kai said as he looked Misty up and down skeptically.

"Um, who already knows Spinjitzu?" Misty said raising an eyebrow she then added "I've been doing this course since I was seven"

"How old are you now?" Kai asked

"Twelve, I've lived here my whole life," Misty explained as she gestured around the courtyard.

"Then show me how to do it"

Misty then started the course and finished it within seconds, "A good tip is to repeat the moves you need to do over and over in your head. Get into a rhythm, think of it almost like dancing," She stayed with Kai and tried to help him run the course.

Which lead to many more faceplants and Misty learning a lot more colorful words. For the next few days, Kai failed again and again and again, over and over and over again. Misty still stayed to help him practice and it seemed their extra practice finally paid off.

One day he got farther and saw Wu lifting his cup to his mouth, Kai used the wooden sword he had and knocked the teacup out of Wu's hand. Wu then poured himself another one but when he looked the course was empty and then he heard a voice say, "Was that one sugar or two?" Kai was sitting beside Wu holding the sugar bowl. Wu scoffed and got up as Kai insisted, "So am I gonna learn this Spinjitzu, I've been hearing so much about?"

"You already have, your final test comes tomorrow," Wu answered and he entered through the screen door and shut it close.

"Huh?" Kai said confused

"My advice is to get some sleep," Wu's voice said through the screen door and then the sound of his fading footsteps it was clear he was not going to answer any more questions.

"Cryptic much?" Kai mumbled under his breath as he ran his fingers through his hair straightening it.

"Cryptic and riddles are his only settings," Misty shrugged as she sipped her tea.

Kai flopped down beside her and eyed her closely. He had been spending some time with the young girl in the past few days and had picked up on a few things about her personality. She tended to be blunt and to the point. "You mentioned you've lived here your whole life... how is that?"

Misty was silent at first and she gently sat her teacup down beside her. Pursing her lips into a thin line she sighed and said, "I was given to Wu to be raised when I was a baby. Him this monastery its walls are all I've ever known,"

"You're parents they're-" Kai asked but didn't even get to finish as Misty said, "Dead... I never knew them," she said it quickly almost sharply even.

Kai leaned back on his arms getting more comfortable and said, quietly, "Mine and Nya's aren't in the picture either, they disappeared," he gazed at the blue sky above the courtyard and said softly, "At the time Nya was too young to even remember them,"

Misty looked over at Kai, taking in the wistful far away look in his eyes. He seemed to be miles away in his head. "You remember them though?"

"Somethings," Kai admitted, "I remember my dad's laugh and my mother had the softest hair... it always tickled my face when she'd hug me. Nya takes after her so much..." Kai then coughed sharply and quickly shook his head bringing himself back to reality, seeming to remember he was talking to a stranger.

"Sorry didn't mean to ramble," He muttered as he picked back up the wooden sword that was on the ground.

"It's alright," Misty then stood up and offered, "Want to come and help me make dinner? I'll let you add the spices,"

Kai chuckled got to his feet and said, "You're not going to complain about me adding too much?"

"Nope, but only this time," Misty said smirking as she pulled open the sliding doors.

"Well now I have to add even more," Kai chuckled and tossed the sword back into the barrel at the door as he dashed inside.

"Hey! That wasn't an invitation to set my mouth on fire!" Misty cried as she hurried after him letting the door slide shut on its own. 

Misty and the Rise of the Snakes (Ninjago)Where stories live. Discover now