The Snake King 6

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The Ninja were having Breakfast and they listen as Lloyd said, "First I'll stomp on his tail, and then when he turns, a thunder clap to his ears. Then when he's stunned I'll disarm him."

"Too late, he's already hypnotized you, and now you're under his control." Cole said

"Or he's already put you in a squeeze." Zane offered

"Or spit on you with his hallucinatory venom, test me, bad stuff." Kai said

"Or he's already bitten you." Misty added

Lloyd sighed and said, "Ah, Uncle, what's the best way to stun a Serpentine, if you don't know what kind they are?"

"Sadly, it was the Sacred Flute you five carelessly lost." Wu said

"Hey, no, no, no we didn't lose it. Pythor stole it!" Jay shouted

"Whatever the case, without it I fear we have nothing to combat their powers, we may have prevented them from uniting in the past, but they will try again, and one day they will be stronger." Wu said

"Don't worry. I've almost reached my full potential, and when I become the Green Ninja, we're not gonna need any magic flute." Cole said

"you're gonna be the Green Ninja?" Kai said and then laughed and added, "Don't make me laugh."

"I though it was decided, that I was destined to become the Green Ninja." Zane said

"Oh! the only thing decided about you, Zane, is that you're weird." Jay said

And then Cole, Zane and Jay started arguing, and Lloyd got up from his seat and said, "yeah, yeah, yeah." and he noticed the box Sensei had just brought in and asked what was inside.

"Your new uniforms." Wu said

The Ninja gasped and took theirs from the box inspecting them, and cheered, and started talking about them.

And then the alarm blared and they to the bridge and Cole pressed and button and the screen zoomed in as he said, "Sorry to break up the moment boys, but a small faction of our slithering friends, are stirring up trouble over at Mega-Monster Amusement Park."

"An Amusement Park!" Lloyd shouted and then said, "Can I go with you, please! Let me make things up. I can help!" he shouted

"I'm sorry nephew. You will stay here where it's safe." Wu said

Lloyd groaned and said, "Ninja get all the fun."

"What do you say, guys? Time to try out the new merchandise?" Jay said and the Ninja ran off but before Misty could leave Wu called her back and said, "I'm sorry Misty but your going to have to stay behind I need to speak with you."

"What?" Misty asked confused but stayed and Wu pulled her aside and said, "Misty... you realize that your not like the other Ninja's right?"

"Um... yes I realize that so?" Misty said

"Your not going to have a moment where you unlock your true already have had you knew true potential from the start, thanks to you looking in that box!" Wu said still sounding slightly bitter.

"But how am I suppose to become stronger?" Misty asked

"By finding more control...Your element is easily affected by your emotions, you must maintain balance, to persevere control over the two halves of your element." Wu explained and then said, "It is best if the creation side of your element stays in more power though, your destructive side is unpredictable and dangerous."

Misty sighed and said, "Yes, I understand..."

"Good, Misty now lets get down there to meet the others." Wu said smiling, and he walked toward the door of the Bridge.

Misty sighed and said to herself, "I just want to be normal sometimes!"

When they got down on the ground Wu got some cotton candy for both him and Misty and they found the Ninja... who all looked pretty angry.

And Misty heard Jay shouted, "argh! I'm gonna say it, I hate Samurai!"

Wu walked out and said, "Do I hear a hint go Jealousy? Maybe this can be a lesson for you."

"Oh! Not another lesson. Hey, how did you get here so quick?" Jay said

Wu ignored him and said, "The lesson is iron sharpens iron."

"I don't follow Sensei." Zane said

"Healthy competition can help you, reach your true potential faster, do not be jealous of this Samurai, Let it inspire you." Wu said and then noticed the Ferris wheel and shouted, "Oh, Ferris wheel!" and he ran off toward it.

"Inspire?" Jay questioned

"Wait a minute. Maybe the old man's right." Kai said thoughtfully

"You want us to compete with the Samurai? He'll got all the cool gadgets, we don't stand a chance." Cole argued

"No, not with him with us. I say we turn this into our own competition. Whichever of us is skilled enough to catch this mysterious Samurai, is probably the best of the bunch." Kai said

"So whoever learns the identity of this Samurai is the one who will become the destined Green Ninja." Jay said and then added, "I love it!"

"Then it's a bet, May the Green Ninja win." Cole said and then they all shouted

"Ninja Go!"

But be fore they could Run off Misty incased all four of their feet in crystal and said, "Not so fast."

"What!" Kai shouted

"Thats a ridiculous plan, you might as well be rolling dice to see who the Green Ninja's going to be, catching the Samurai has nothing to do with begin someone who can save Ninjago!" Misty shouted and she stormed off.

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