The Green Ninja 10

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Misty was training with the others on the deck but then they went to find Kai and found him wearing the Green Ninja robes and trying to activate his true potential.

Cole laughed and said, "Very nice perhaps if you tried the phrase, "Fire Dork" maybe it might work."

"How long have you all been watching?" Kai demanded

"The Green Ninja suit that's awesome!"Jay shouted

"Take that off now!" Misty said angrily but her voice was ignored

"Well I was looking for some kind of clue from Sensei and then I found this." Kai said

"But you know only he who is foretold to face Lord Garmadon is destined to be the Green Ninja and only he should wear the Green Ninja outfit." Zane said

"Take it off!" Misty shouted angrily all of the other ninja jumped but Kai seemed on phased and said,

"But I thought if I just tried it on, it might help me see my true potential, it's not fair that you guys have unlocked your cool powers and I still haven't." Kai said

"Take it off now unless you want to fight me for it!" Misty said and she readied a crystal katana she looked furious.

"why are you so worked up about this!" Kai said

"Because my destiny is tether to whoever becomes the Green Ninja! It will be him or I that defeats Garmadon and that claims victory! That is a very important robe and Sensei will be very angry!" Misty said

"we don't even know when he's" Kai was cut off by the sound of a door opening and Wu's voice saying, "Hello? I'm home."

"Sensei!" All of the Ninja cheered except for Kai and Misty. Misty placed her sword away and walked after the ninja and glared back at Kai, and said"figure out what to do before Sensei sees what you did."

The Ninja greeted Sensei who said, "Ah. It's so good to be home."

"So glad you're back." Zane said

"Did you bring us anything?" Cole asked

"oh sensei, have you missed a lot. Zanes a nindroid, Nya's the mysterious Samurai, Coles a dancer-" Jay was cut off when Wu said

"Zane is a what?" Wu said

"You've been gone a while we'll catch you up later. But you should know all of us expect for Kai have discovered our true potential." Zane explained

"Have you now?" Wu said sounding surprised

"Where is Kai?" Wu said

"Playing dress up." Misty muttered but then Kai joined them and said, "Right here."

"So glad you're back safe." Kai added

Just then Garmadon came out from behind Sensei and Kai shouted, "Aah, sensei! behind you!"

all of the Ninja lost it expect for Misty who noticed Sensei wasn't the least bit surprised and actually grabbed Kai and pulled him off Garmadon.

"He is the reason I left, for so long as Pythor has Lloyd, he will be our guest." Wu said

"We have to live with this guy?" Cole shouted

"But sensei, he has four arms!" Zane said

"Uh, must I remind you ever since he turned evil, he's been trying to get out Golden weapons?" Jay said

"ENOUGH!" Wu shouted

All of the Ninja's relented and said, "Yes Sensei"

Garmadon got up and said, "This isn't about the weapons hit's about my son."

From here on out, you will obey me and you will respect my brother." Wu said

"Yes, Sensei." The Ninjas agreed

"Sensei?" Misty said all of the Ninja held their breath hoping Misty would say something to change Wu's mind, but Misty simply said, "When will we be able to get Lloyd back?"

"Soon, Misty do not worry, we must go to the bridge now." When they got there Wu asked, "Where are we at with the four Fangblades? "

"Oh, Pythor's managed to take the first two," Jay said

"but there's still two left and we only need one from unleashing the Great Devourer." Cole put in

"Any luck finding their whereabouts?" Wu asked

"No, but the falcon is programmed to alert us if he sees any suspicious activity." Zane said

"Good, if we find the Fangblades we find Lloyd. Kai and Nya prepare the deck and double check the Anchor. we need to be ready when we first get word of activity." Wu said

"Yes, Sensei" Kai and Nya said

"Zane did you say the Falcon was programmed?" Wu said

"Okay, sensei I don't know where to start. It all started when we saw the falcon..." Jay explained and started explaining everything.

In the next few days Garmadon proved to be a strange but over all a good roommate.

And soon the Flacon picked up some activity, and they saw that Pythor was at the Temple of Fire, "that means a Fangblade is there." Kai said

"And Lloyd" Garmadon said

"That's the same Fire Temple where Kai and Garmadon first faced off." Jay said

And Kai said, "If my Memory severs me correct I'd say on of us cheated back when we last fought."

"And I remember someone needing their Sensei to save them." Garmadon shouted

"Guys for the sake of the Fangblade and Lloyd, can we please just get along?" Cole shouted

The Volcano was said it could erupt at any moment.

But then Kai ran off and when the others made it down there Kai had locked himself and Garmadon in a room and was fighting him.

"Cole, get this door open" Misty said and Cole managed to knock the door off it's hinges and when they entered. Kai was standing onto of Garmadon and said, "I did it! Are my eyes glowing? Did I unlock my powers? Is this my true potential? Argh why isn't it working?"

"Because you can't defeat someone who allowed himself to be defeated." wu said and he walked over and helped Garmadon up and he said, "I wasn't going to hurt you boy. I was only fetching your weapons."

"But you were trying to steal them!" Kai shouted

"I asked him to get them." Wu said and then added, "Perhaps it is best you do not reach your true potential, or else someone could get hurt."

"what to go hero." Cole said

"Oh. Poor thing. let me help you." Nya said and she helped Garmadon stand. The ship shook and Cole said, "Sounds like we've finally reached our destination."

"Then let's go, we don't have anytime to lose." Misty said

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