All of Nothing 11

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The Ninja were tracking a venomair through Ninjago city Zane cut the snake off and he ran toward Misty who created a crystal wall giving the sale no other choice but to run straight to where Jay was waiting for him and then the panicking snake ran to where Kai was and then straight into Cole. who said, "going somewhere?"

"Uh-uh" The snake yelped

"Thought you could joyride through town and not be noticed eh? Where's the last Fangblade?" Jay said

"I don't know what you're talking about." The snake answered

"You know what It is the fourth Fangblade. When Pythor finds them all, he plans to unleash the Great Devourer."

" Oh That Fangblade. The snake said and then laughed and said, "You're too late. Pythor already there now. He's probably already digging it up. If I were you, I'd start preparing for the worst, because when the Great Devourer is awakened there will be nothing it won't consume!" The snake cheered

"Won't that mean it'll consume you too?" Zane said

Misty chuckled and said, "well that plan wasn't thought out well now was it?"

The Snake blinked and then looked back and forth between the ninja and then shrieked and said, "Please you have to stop him. That snake is crazy. I don't wanna unleash the Great Devourer. I'm snake, not food."

"Is it really too late to stop Pythor from getting the last Fangblade?" Kai asked

"You're days behind him. There's gotta be something else you can do!" The snake begged.

-Time Skip-

The ninja arrived back at the Bounty and they were in the bridge and they were studying a screen with a map on it and Nya said, "The Venomair is right by the time we cast sail clear across to the other side of Ninjago, Pythor will have already beat us to the last Fangblade."

"Oh come on guys. this is the last one. we gotta get it. We gotta think of something!" Jay shouted

"Hey, all we have to do is just get one Fangblade to stop him. What if we take back the other three? Pythor wouldn't risk having them all on him. He's probably hidden them somewhere, while he goes for the forth." Lloyd said

"He has a point." Misty said and smiled

"It's so simple." Cole said

"Why didn't I think of that?" Kai said

"It can't be that easy!" Jay said

"Easy? My algorithms suggest taking the other three would be far more dangerous. Pythor would undoubtedly have them protected by his top generals." Zane explained

"Ha, finally I don't have to hold back." Kai said

"Even if you could steal the other three, you don't even know where they are." Garmadon said

"He's right for the past few weeks there have been almost no Serpentine sightings. How are they moving around? It's like they're ghost." Wu said

"If you were a human sized snake that was trying to stay under the radar would you walking around on the street?" Misty said

"She's right their snakes!" Nya said and then turned to the screen and said, "Bridge, give me a sonar sweep of Ninjago."

But nothing showed up on the monitor. "See? Nothing. It's just like Sensei said." Kai said

"But what if they aren't traveling about ground? They're snakes right? Snakes burrow." Nya said and then turned toward the monitor and said, "Bridge now give me a sonar sweep of Ninjago, but 20 feet below surface."

The monitor then showed a 3d picture or the ground below.

"All the tombs have been interconnected." Kai said

"To make on massive underground fortress," Cole said

"and all this time, right under our noses" Jay said

" or rather feet." Zane said smiling

"There, that's the most protected area. The Fangblades must be held there." Kai said

"Then Nya what are we waiting for? Nya set the course" Wu said

"Already on it. We'll be there by sun-up." Nya said and she started pressing buttons on the panel.

"There is no room for error, the Serpentine have shown that they have great powers, and to combat them, you must turn their greatest strengths, into their greatest weaknesses, Kai, how will you defeat the Hypnobrai?" Wu said

"Their hypnotizing powers are unless, if their opponent can fight with our relying on his eyes." Kai said and he pulled down a blind fold.

"Good, Jay the Fangpyre is fast and his bite sharp." Wu said turning to Jay

"But if he can't nite through your skin, he can't turn you into one of them." Jay said and he knocked on the metal piece of his armor.

"Yes." Wu said and then turned to Cole and said, "Cole, the Constrictai are strong." and he pressed. button and a net wrapped around Cole.

"And they will not let go." Wu added

"But instead of fighting back, one must loosen up." Cole said and after a few seconds the net fell away and he kicked the next and added, "a little soft shoe doesn't hurt."

"Zane. The venom of the Venomari can make you see things. Cloud your perception." Wu said

"Then I will use my new Falcon Vision." Zane answered and then waved to the flacon on the roof.

"Very good, I have trained you well. You are all ready." Wu said

"What about me Sensei aren't you going to ask me?" Misty asked

"You not going to be coming you will be staying here with Lloyd." Wu said

"What!" Misty shouted

"What about you sensei? Will you fight?" Kai asked and casted an apologetic look to Misty. and added, "We need all the help were can get."

"My concern is that my old bones cannot keep up but I will be there in spirit." Wu said

"We're arriving at the Mountain of a Million Steps. You all might want to see this." Nya said over the PA

"Look at all those dirt hills." Jay shouted

"What are those snakes up to?" Cole said

"Wait for me." Lloyd shouted as he ran down the steps.

"This is not your fight, the Green Ninja is too important for a future Destiny, you shall stay will me and Misty."

Just then Nya in her samurai suit landed on the deck and said, "Well, their gonna have to look after themselves, because we made room for you." Nya pointed to a chair that had been added to the suit.

Kai turned to Wu and said, "You said you were concerned that you couldn't keep up, so Jay and Nya rejiggered the designs you can some along. Well what do you think?"

"I think.." Wu said and he dropped his staff and ran and jumped into the chair as she shouted "Shotgun!" and he laughed

"You can't be serious about leaving me here!" Misty shouted in protest.

"Serious as a Serpentine tomb," Wu answered

Garmadon walked up and stood beside Lloyd and said, "I will stay back with Lloyd and Misty, I don't enjoy saying this but...Good luck."

Misty ran to the side of the Bounty as the ninja were climbing down the rope and said, "I'm stuck here! Playing baby sitter to THE CHOSEN ONE AND THE LORD GARMADON! Are you kidding me!"

She received no answer.

"UGH!!!!" Misty groaned and stormed past Lloyd and Garmadon and said, "I'm going to cut off some training dummies head, excuse me will you."

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