The Caves of Despair

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Soon the Ninja found themselves pulling a sort of rickshaw kind of thing Wu was seated inside of it.

"Sign me up." Jay mocked shooting Kai a scathing look. Misty guessed he was mocking Kai for something he said when she had left to speak to Wu.

"Way to go sparkplug!" Cole snapped back

"I sense this is some strange form of team-building," Zane said

"Just keep pulling, we have a long way to go," Cole suggested

Kai then asked slightly out of breath, "So where did Sensei find you three?"

"Let's just say if it wasn't for Sensei Wu, I don't think we could ever be seen together, I was testing my limits," Cole explained.

"I was testing my invention," Jay said

"That you crashed," Misty corrected

Jay shot her a dirty look that said "No one asked you!"

"And I was testing myself" Zane answered

"You're right, if it weren't for Sensei none of us would--" Kai was cut off by Wu saying, "Shh! Stop" They screeched to a stop in an instant.

They then climbed up a hill and Wu introduced them to the sight of what he called. "The Caves of Despair, Samukai must be close to unearthing the Scythe of Quakes, remember, do not use the weapon, for its power--" he was cut off by Jay saying, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's too much for us mortals, all right, guys let's chop-socky this lemonade stand, Cole, you got the plan?"

"Sure do, first we lower ourselves down the ledge, and then-wait where's Kai?" Cole said and then they saw Kai hiding behind rocks and picking his way through the dig site, ninja style.

"Ugh! Let's go! Cole grumbled and they followed Kai while also cleaning up his messes when one of the skeletons saw him, they took the skeleton out before he could alert the others. Leaving him in a pile with his leg bone shoved in his mouth.

Kai made his way closer to the guard tower and spotted, Samurai with the map, Cole, Jay, Zane, and Misty caught up to Kai and were on the guard tower's roof looking through a hole in the said roof, which Misty silently noted was an extreme design flaw.

"What's the matter with you?" Jay whispered and lightly smacked the back of Kai's head, which Kai answered with "Shhh!" and they looked down at the map reading Samukai who laughed evilly and then placed the map down and walked off. Jay noticed that the Skeleton had been reading the map UPSIDE down. "They're digging in the wrong spot." he hissed softly.

"Stupidity must come with the land of being made of just bone and no brain." Misty chuckled softly

Zane had a shuriken in his hand and it had been tied to a rope, and he said, "The golden weapon is near." he then threw the weapon and it grabbed the map for them and they pulled it through the hole in the roof and after reading it, Kai said "There's no time to waste." and he backflipped off the tower.

"What is with that guy always in a rush!" Jay grumbled softly.

They made it past the guards which weren't that hard and found Kai who once more had gone ahead, and was struggling to push aside a bolder.

"Hey, before you race off again, you need to remember we're a team," Cole reminded him calmly.

"Yeah, whatever," Kai muttered dismissively

Together they pushed the boulder away and opened the door to reveal The Golden Scythe of Quakes, Sticking out of what looked like a very detailed carved, dragon head made of stone. "Whoa, that is so cool!" Jay shouted and the word Cool echoed throughout the mines.

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