The Dragoness and Her Rider (Bonus Chapter)

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Misty was sick and tired of riding behind Kai on his dragon, she wanted to have one just for her. But as we all know you can't just order a dragon online and have it delivered to your front door. "Nope" Misty muttered to herself, "Although that would be very convenient," she added.

"What are you muttering about now?" Cole said

"I'm going to get myself a dragon!" Misty said and she stood up proudly, but this bold statement was met with only laughter instead of praises.

"There's no way you're going to manage that," Jay said and chuckled

"Yes, I can! I have a better chance of finding a dragon than you shutting your mouth for once."

Jay just laughed and said, "Wanna bet on it?" and then added "If you come back with a dragon I'll stay silent for 24 hours. and if you aren't able to get a dragon you stay silent for 24 hours."

"Jay, that's not fai-" Nya began to say trying to stick up for Misty.

But Misty waved her off and said "Prepare to have to mime everything because I'm going to come back with a fearsome dragon," and she turned and hurried out of the courtyard and the Monastery.

As she ran down the steps she passed Zane and Kai. "Where are you going?" Kai asked

"I'm on my way to find a dragon," Misty said happily.

Kai busted out laughing but stopped and said, "Oh, you're begin serious..."

"I sense that idea is a bad one," Zane said

"I can do it!" Misty said and she stormed past Kai and Zane muttering.

Kai then turned to Zane and said, "how much of a chance she actually finds a dragon. "

"A pretty good percent I heard when we were in town that a dragon's terrorizing another village not far from here," Zane answered

"Okay, then how much of a chance do you think she won't die?" Kai said

Zane thought for a moment and said, " I'd give her 30 chance."

Then as they watched Misty storming down the steps they saw her trip and end up tumbling the rest of the way down which was luckily not that far.

"Make that 5 percent chance." Kai muttered Misty got up and dusted herself off and said, "I totally meant to do that! See how fast I got down!"

"Sure whatever Kid," Kai said and then turned his back and continued his way up the steps.

Misty then started walking toward the direction of a town that was said to have a dragon terrorizing it.

"I'll show them!" She thought and she continued walking, a few painful hours later, Misty made it to the town.

She stumbled into it and found a woman from the village. "I heard there's a dragon taking your livestock, please tell me I'm in the right place!"

"Yes, the dragon is near here." The woman answered

"How Wonderfully!" Misty said and she perked up, but quickly said, "I mean that's terrible, don't worry I'll take the dragon off your hands."

"Your joking right?" The Woman said rudely

"I am not!" Misty shot back, and said, "Just tell me what direction the dragon flys from!"

The Woman pointed to a forest that was near the village, "It lives in there." the woman said

"Thank you." Misty said cheerily and said, "be back in a bit."

The Woman stared after Misty skeptically and muttered, "Yeah bit as in bitten... the dragons going to eat that girl whole..."

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