The Battle

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Despite the impossible, all three of them managed to calm the dragon and they climbed on and could hear, the other Ninjas' voice, and Kai called out to them.

"We may not be able to cross over...." The temple split in half, to reveal Cole, Zane, and Jay staring in shock at Kai, Nya, and Misty sitting atop the dragon, Kai finished by saying, "But a dragon can."

The Dragon roared, and Cole screamed and jumped behind a pillar in fear.

Nya called from the dragon's back and said, "Our father used to tell us stories about the dragons, how they were mystical creatures that belonged to both worlds and ferried between them."

Cole who was still hiding shouted, "Are you insane!?"

Kai jumped from the dragon and shouted, "Once he realized we were trying to protect the Sword of Fire, he actually became quite a softy.

The Dragon nudged Kai with his nose and Kai laughed and said, "Knock it off."

Nya giggled and Jay wheezed and choked but could not talk, so Zane spoke for him and asked "He cannot talk but he wants to know if you like blue."

Jay nodded and Nya smiled and said, "It's my favorite color" Jay let out a wheezy "yes."

Kai shook his head in disapproval, and then muttered "Nya..."

Nya turned and said concern in her voice, "This is goodbye, isn't it?"

Kai just nodded, and Nya then said, "Come back to me in one piece, okay? I don't want to have to run the store on my own"

Kai then climbed up on the dragon and said, "I promise I won't be gone for long." He climbed up in front of Misty and grabbed the reins

Nya looked up at Kai and said, "I'll keep a candle lit outside our shop until you return."

The Other ninjas but Cole jumped on the dragon's back, joining Misty and Kai.

Cole looked to Kai and the others and said, "You guys go on ahead, there's not room enough for us on that thing." He said anxiously it was obvious he didn't want to go anywhere near the dragon.

The Dragon snarled and Kai said, "You're right, Cole. But I got a way to fix that." He had a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

Unfortunately for Cole, he found himself, clinging to the pole that was contacted with a chair. On top of the same Earth dragon from before, He chuckled nervously and said, "Easy. Not so fast." He was terrified.

Zane was riding the beautiful Ice Dragon and said, "Yes, this is quite fun."

Kai laughed and said, "Whoo, hoo-hoo-hoo!"

"I don't like heights!" Misty cried and tightened her hold on Kai.

Cole shouted and said, "So how do the dragons cross over to the Underworld?"

"I think we're about to find out!" Kai said to Misty and she closed her eyes. The Dragons dove down toward an island, they soon turned into blurred arrows, and they came into a tunnel, Cole squeaked out "Is it over?"

"Hardly. I hope these dragons know what they're doing!"

Misty with her eyes still screw shut, could hear the other's shouting and feel the sensation of spinning around and around, and soon she was pitched forward and she landed hard on the ground, and heard, Cole, say gleefully, "Solid ground! We made it!"

Misty opened her eyes and saw, a look of floating islands attached by rope bridges and a stronghold in the middle.

"Sensei's inside, They're expecting us," Kai said

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