The Samurai 5

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Cole, Zane and Misty made it to the toxic swamp, and When they landed Cole shouted, "Did anyone order some kick butt!" The open tomb was beside them and the last word Cole said, echoed.

Jay laughed and all of a sudden Pythor popped out from behind a tree and shouted "Boo!"

Jay screamed, and the Ninja face Pythor and Zane pulled out the flute, and began to play it but Pythor grabbed it with his tail and said, "No, let's not let music ruin things, hmm?"

The Ninja backed up as the snakes moved closer and they eventually jumped onto a log but it floated into the water and started burning since the water in the swamp was acid.

"I've got a sinking feeling, this may be the last I see of you four." Pythor said and then started laugh evilly

The log was sinking more and more and Cole said, "That's it. I used to hate dragons but now I officially hate snakes!"

Just then Kai said, "Wait do you see that? A magic floating rope. We can climb to safety." Kai then moved forward and Jay saved him by pulling him back and said, "Boy, that Venomari venom is come powerful stuff."

"I would ask how long until it wears off but.. I don't think I'll have to worry about that..." Misty said

There was almost no log left and Zane said, "For whatever it is worth, it was an honor to fight beside you all."

"Me too." Cole said

"Yeah, ditto." Jay agreed

All of a sudden a rope appeared in front of them, "Hey, what?!" Cole said

"The Magic Rope." Kai said his voice sounded weird

"Quick. everyone climb over" Jay said

and then all made it to land safely, and there to great them was a mysterious person who had. big mech.

"Who are you?" Cole asked

"How about the coolest thing I've ever seen?" Jay shouted excitedly

"Santa?" Kai said dreamily

"How did you know we were here?" Misty asked

"Thank you mysterious warrior. I owe you my life for saving--" Zane never got to finish as the warrior sprayed a weird misty and it caused Zane to fall asleep.

"Now that wasn't nice!" Jay complained

But the the others got sprayed with the same mist and were soon passed out on the ground, which luckily Wu found them by using the Bounty moments later.

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