Rise of the Snakes 1

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So there they were the fearless Ninja... playing video games...

"Fire Strike!" Kai shouted and then added, "oh my gosh isn't that the coolest move you've ever seen?"

"Stop trying to do it yourself. We need to attack as a team." Cole said

"Zane, why are you wasting your special attack on me? You have to save it!" Jay shouted and seconds later "Fantastic, I'm out of lives." Jay said

"But the lesson lives on, and I'm getting the hang of it." Zane bragged.

And then the screen went black, all the Ninjas groaned and Jay shouted. "What happened?"

"It took us three hours to get there!"

"Why would you do that?"

"Just because Lord Garmadon escaped through a vortex doesn't mean he won't return one day for the golden weapons of Spinjitzu!" Wu shouted

"but Sensei Wu ever since he's been gone, Ninjago has had nothing but peace." Zane pointed out

"Yeah, peace is boring. There's no one to save, there's nothing to do." Jay said

Cole laid back and placed his hands behind his head and said, "We can train tomorrow."

"Never put off until tomorrow, what can be done today." Wu lectured

Cole was holding up a slice of pizza and said, "well, I was gonna eat this pizza tomorrow, so if that's the case..." He was bacon to eat it but Wu kicked it out of his hand and Cole shouted, "ow!" as Wu shouted, "No pizza for you! In order to reach your full potential, you must train."

"Uh remember when we did a little thing called the Tornado of Creation? I thought that was pretty insane." Kai said smugly

"Oh, you four have merely, scratched the surface to your full potential. There are still so many secrets, you have yet to unlock, You haven't even begun to tap into, what powers your golden weapons hold." Wu said

Cole stood up and he was hold the Golden Scythe and said, "You wanna talk secret powers? check this out." and he used the weapon too plug back in the wire. The Other Ninja's began playing again.

"Don't worry Master, we will be ready when Lord Garmadon returns." Zane said

Just then Nya Kai's sister came running through the door and shouted, "Guys, Lord Garmadon he's returned! He was spotted approaching Jamanakai Village.

"Uh, isn't that where Misty said she was going?" Zane said and then all the Ninja panicked and tripped over each other, to run out the door.

They ran down the steps to their dragons and indeed when Kai pulled the lever. Misty's young dragoness was missing.

The Ninja failed at getting onto their rides and Nya asked, "Can I help?"

"Sorry, sis where we go, danger abounds. This is a job for the Ninja." Kai said and then realized he couldn't reach the reins and said, "Uh... a little help?"

Nya looked unimpressed but helped her brother and the Ninja took off.

"Do you think, Misty's still in one piece?" Kai asked

"Let's just hope she's still okay." Cole muttered


Misty saw the villagers panicking and instead of running away she ran toward, the menace instead of away, and she found a boy no older than her wearing a black hood and a black outfit with a skeleton rib cage print on it.

she placed the Ninja sias she had away and tapped her foot, and said, "Your not supposed to be here. Your No Lord Garmadon, get lost."

The Boy just sneered at her and walked out from behind the fountain shouting, "It is I Lloyd Garmadon!" And he jumped onto the rim of the fountain and said, "I demand all the candy in town or else!"

Misty walked out from behind the fountain to and spotted the other Ninja staring and muttering to each other.

Lloyd spotted the Ninja too and said, "Uh, give me your candy or else I'll release the Serpentine on you!"

The Villagers had come back out and were jeering at him.

He then opened a can and fake snakes popped out on landed on Misty's head and she shook it off and walked toward Lloyd.

The Villagers had started throwing vegetables at the boy and he shouted, "I asked for candy, not vegetables! I hate vegetables!"

Lloyd nearly toppled into the fountain but Misty grabbed the edge of his cape and yanked him forward and he fell face first at her feet.

"I told you, to get lost! I was going to just let you go... but now my... teammates are here, and I doubt they'd just do that." Misty said her nose was wrinkled as if she smelled something bad and she looked in distain at the boy laying in front of her.

"your just a kid too!" Lloyd shouted

"Wrong, I'm a Ninja." Misty said glaring down at the boy he was covered in vegetables, she reached a hand down to pull the boy back to his feet but then heard Cole say, "If there was anything I hated more than dragons, it was snakes, rubber or not." The Ninja pushed past Misty and Kai said, "Don't worry Misty, we've got it." And him and the other Ninjas picked Lloyd up and Cole said, "Don't worry, folks. We'll take care of this. Nothing to see here."

And they started carrying the boy away. Misty was of course angry and she ran up beside Kai and said, "I was handling it perfectly fine without you guys! Just give him to me and I'll make sure he gets back to his boarding school..."

But Kai just said "Let the big kids handle this."

"Bow down to me or suffer my wrath! I'll give you to the count of three. One, Two..." Lloyd shouted

"What are we supposed to do? Spank him?" Kai said

"Two and a half..." Lloyd said

Misty was fuming and she found where the Ninja had placed Lloyd... they had hooked him to a sign.

"You Just made me your nemesis, Mark my words you'll pay for this!" Lloyd shouted

Zane went over and bought some candy, and brought it back to the Ninja, and Cole said, "Next time try paying for you candy."

"Crime doesn't pay, muchacho you can take that to the bank." Kai added

"Mm. Cotton Candy," Jay said

Misty pushed her way over to the others angrily glared up at them and said, "I had everything under control! and then you guys just show up and take all the credit!"

"Your a KID!" Kai said as if he thought saying it again would ease Misty's temper but it didn't...

"I'm a Ninja just like you! I was taught by Wu way before you were! I actually train every day because I want to reach my full potential unlike most of us!" Misty shot back

"More like a half a Ninja...when you grow up a little more we might even say your, 1/3 of one." Jay teased

Misty screamed with rage and shouted, "I hate you guys! All you ever do is treat me like I'm less of a person!" and turned on her heels and ran out of the village.

The Ninja watched her go, and Zane said, "Should we go after her?"

"Naw, she'll come back to the Monastery eventually," Kai said dismissively.

The Prophecy

"One Ninja will rise above the others, and become the Green Ninja, One of the Ninjas that could be destined to defeat the Dark Lord, The Other is know as the purple Ninja but only one of the two will rise to the challenge and which one will fall to it?"

Misty and the Rise of the Snakes (Ninjago)Where stories live. Discover now