This Bites 3

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There were muffled noises coming from inside a refrigerator, Jay ran and did a flip and kicked the bar off the door and flung it open, inside were his parents tied up in chains with duck tap over their mouths. "What happened? Who did this?" he reached over and took the tap off his mothers mouth first, and she said, "Sweetheart, you came." Next he took the tap off his father's mouth who instantly said, "You gotta get out of here. You shouldn't have come it's the snakes." the last word was slurred, and Misty could see fans peeking out from the walkers mouth and a fork young flickering past their lips as they spoke.

Jay freed his parents from their chains.

"The bite of the Fangpyre. Once they sink their teeth, their venom can turn anything into a serpent! It's only a matter of time before the full transformation is complete!" Wu warned

Thats when all of them heard hissing, and they looked up to see red, white and black snakes walk out from behind a trash pile and a wreaking ball crane thing that unmistakably resembled that of a snake drove out too.

The Wreaking backs had a face on it, that was glowing green.

Cole had pulled out his Scythe and said, "uh is that wrecking ball staring at me?" The wrecking ball came sailing toward them and all of the dodged out of the way and Jay shoved his parents to safety. and his father said, "Thanks, son." again his speeches was slurred.

Misty looked up when she heard Wu shout, "Lloyd!"

She saw the boy standing on a pile of junk next to him was a two headed snake holding a staff, and the mini villain said, "Hello, Uncle. Looks like we're not the only family reunion. I'm glad you brought the ninja. I could use some help taking out the trash." And then he laughed evilly.

"If we want to turn you parents back we need the antivenin from the staff!" Nya said

Cole looked up and saw the wrecking ball heading their way again and shouted, "Second dose, to the dirt!"

When the dusted cleared Kai stood up beside his sister and said, "Easier said than done sis, we're a bit outnumbered."

"We can't give up, I won't let those snakes win!" Misty shouted

Jay was holding up his nunchucks and said, "Nobody messes with my family!" he ran forward and smack the dirt sending several of the snakes flying and then shouted, "Ninja Go!"

and used Spinjitzu to get rid of more of them, as the wrecking ball came sailing toward him, he slid under it, and it got stuck behind a pole. The rest of the Ninja didn't take long to follow suite and they shouted, "Ninja Go!" and used Spinjitzu to even out the playing field.

The Fangoyres hissed and stalked toward Wu, who used the flute, and the snakes stopped dead, giving Nya just the right opening to take the rest of them out, after she finished she ran up to Wu and said, "I don't know Sensei, I think we make a pretty good duet!"

But just Misty ear drums were blasted with insanely loud rock music, she glared up and saw it was Lloyd, Wu shouted up at him and said, "Young nephew, must I teach you whose side you should be on?"

Lloyd just turned the music up more and shouted, "Sorry uncle can't hear you!"

One of the snakes had snuck up on Wu but never got the chance to bit him because Mrs. Walker smacked the snake over the head with a frying pan.

Wu looked down at the twitching snake as Ed said, "Yeah, was to go Edna."

"Ninja go!" All of the nInja shouted and they used Spinjitzu to chase the snakes behind a pile of junk, but stopped and looked down too see the ground was shaking, footsteps thundered and out from behind the pile stepped, a hug mechanical gaint holding a giant pair of handcuffs.

Misty and the Rise of the Snakes (Ninjago)Where stories live. Discover now