Schooled 4

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The Ninja had gone back to training, and they were still trying to figure out the riddle.

"Anyone got a solution to Sensei's riddle?" Cole said as he was spinning a staff around in one hand with ease. 

"It can't be that hard, what's the best way to defeat an enemy?" Jay asked as he was doing front flips from one side of the boat to the other. 

"Zane, you're smart. What is it?" Kai asked as he was using a punching bag. 

"I do not know, but I sense that sensei is going to keep us herein we don't work together and find an answer," Zane said he was holding a pose on one leg with his hands extended. 

"That bothers me because while we're here working, that means the enemy is playing!" Cole said and he slammed the staff he had down on the ground in frustration. 

"Misty you've been with Sensei a long time do you have a clue what he's talking about?" Cole asked turning to Misty who had created two crystal swords and was practicing fighting an invisible opponent with them. 

"No..." Misty admitted with a sigh of defeat. 

"I think I have an idea on how to solve this riddle though." Cole said thoughtfully and then added follow me."

The Ninja followed Cole to where Sensei was and peeked in Sensei saw them and said, "Oh you must have found the answer to what is the best way to defeat an enemy?"

"We have Sensei it's-- on threee guys. One, too...Teamwork!" All of them shouted and placed their hands in the middle.

"is this what you all think?" Wu asked

"Yeah. Yes! Absolutely, totally!" all of them answered, but Sensei Wu answered with, "Sadly, you are all wrong."

All of the groaned, and they left on their way back out to the deck Cole said, "I'm starting to think whoever figures out this riddle, can be the Green Ninja for all I care!"

But then alarms sounded, and Jay shouted, "What's that?"

"Who cares? It's something else beside training!" Kai said cheerfully and they ran into the bridge where Kai's sister Nya was waiting and Kai said, "Break it down for me, sis."

"Lloyd and a Serpentine have overtaken, Darkly's Boarding School for Bad Boys." Nya explained

Jay scoffed and said, "That place is a cesspool for the crooked and the misbehaved."

"Doesn't mean they don't need our help. Step on it!" Cole said

Zane ran forward and pressed the button the ship lifted off and from the water and the NInja's ran to the deck.

"Time for a rematch!" Misty shouted gleefully. 

Soon they reached the school, and Zane looked over the edge and noted, "Looks quiet down there, should we infiltrate using stealth?"

"Ah, we've done that what about using our golden weapons that turn into vehicles?" Kai offered

Cole was working on his car and said, "I'm still working out the kinks on that. Anyone have any other good ideas?"

"Hm. Well, I have one idea, but you guys gotta trust me." Jay said

"Oh, I don't think I like the sound of this." Kai groaned and turned to Misty and said, "Please tell me you have a good idea so we don't have to go with Jay's,"

"Unfortunately no I don't have a good idea. I'd say prepare for the worse," Misty said

"Hey!" Jay complained

Misty and the Rise of the Snakes (Ninjago)Where stories live. Discover now