The Triple Tiger Sashay 9

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The Ninja were backstage preparing to go on, Misty was watching them as Cole directed them, "Then Kick ball change, barrel roll, barrel turn, and we all do the double wings..."

But when Kai and Jay jumped up they slammed Into each other and Jay shouted, "Ow! You gotta follow me."

"Follow you your two beats off!" Kai shouted

"Actually 2.72 off of the beat." Zane corrected

"Either way it still looked pretty bad," Misty muttered

"Guys, Guys! Let's not make this any harder than it needs to be. We just stick to the plan and keep up the charade, until the Trophy's revealed. Once we steal the Blade Cup, we can argue all we want once we get back home." Cole said

"But this is your hometown, Cole. Don't you wanna try and win it?" Jay asked

"Ugh. The only dance step I wanna perform is called, get me out of this nut house, and let's burn these memories from my head." Cole said and then they heard Lou's voice say "What?"

"Dad, I..." Cole said, and he turned to face his father

"you--you were going to steal it?" Lou said

"Dad. I didn't mean for you to hear that, but I'm glad you did. There's something I've been wanting to tell you. All these years, I haven't been training to be a singer or dancer. I found something new that I'm really good at. Dad...I'm a ninja." Cole confessed and he used Spinjitzu to return to his ninja robes.

The Ninjas took off their hats as Cole said, "And the truth is if we don't steal that Fangblade...I mean Blade Cup, there are other people that will. Bad People. Serpentine! And we need it to save the world. I know how ridiculous this sounds, but I'm proud of who I am, and I want you to be proud of me too."

"I can't be proud of any son who thinks stealing is right, and I'm not going to wait around, to watch you make a mockery of our family's legacy!" Lou shouted and walked off

"Dad I..." Cole said but it was too late his father already left.

"I'm sure he didn't mean that," Kai said

"If he just saw you in action." Jay offered

"No, it's okay," Cole said

Just then a group of Serpentine that were very badly disguised walked out from a dressing room labeled with a start called Treble Makers.

"Wait a minute what are they doing here?" Jay asked

Just then they heard Pythor's voice say "I can't help it if I offend anyone, My only job will be, to tell the truth.."

Python was posing as a judge. Three armed guards brought out the cup and Kai spotted several more Serpentine outside.

"Looks like we're not the only one planning to steal the blade Cup. Python's here." Kai said

"This complicates things," Zane said

"Then I say we make our move. We can't risk losing out again. I say we steal it." Jay said

"We're not going to steal it, We're gonna win this competition, but we're gonna do it our way. " Cole said

"All of the others said in confusion, "Our way?"

After the Serpentine went the announcer went out on stage and said, "Last but not least, The Royal Blacksmiths.... Er. hold on uh, this just in. There's been a switch. Taking the stage next is Spin Harmony!"

"If we're going to do this I want everyone to see who we are," Cole said

"I have butterflies in my stomach," Zane said

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