Can of Worms 5

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All of the Ninja were going about their daily things, and Lloyd dropped by to speak to each of them in turn.

Misty was in her room and on a desk was a block of crystal and some craving tools in her free time she would crave crystal figurines, of animals and people. She had been working on this one crystal dragon for weeks. And she pulled off the clothe she had placed over it and saw it had been smashed, Lloyd walked it in and said, "Oh, yeah Misty I saw the boys come in your room on accident they were looking for something and ended up accidentally smashed your dragon figure. "

Misty screamed with and said, "I'm going to turn them all into crystal blocks!"

Kai was shouted at Cole and said, "You couldn't just be happy with the top score, you had to rub it in my face?"

Cole then shouted at Jay and said, "You know how long it took me to make that? Three Days, Three days."

"It's and and unsaid law, okay? You don't touch a man's robot!" Jay shouted at Zane

"How am I supposed to strike fear in this? It's pink!" Zane shouted

and all of a sudden the door flew open and Misty stood in the doorway fuming and she shouted, "first, I spent weeks working on that one figure! Second, you invaded my room! now tell me who broke the figure and I might consider letting the rest of you live!"

All the ninja started yelling at each other, and Wu entered and pushed aside the screen door and Lloyd was on the other side with multiple things at his feet. and he was laughing evilly.

All of the Ninja shouted, "YOU DID THIS?"

"Boys, I get first dibs on..." Cole said but was cut off by Sensei Wu shouting, "No dibs, I put him up to this for today's lesson. I wanted to show you the destructive power of rumors and that jumping to conclusions can only lead to trouble. Did you ever think to find out if the accusations were true?"

"Uh, no offense, Sensei, but let me jump to this conclusion todays lesson is lame." Cole said

"Yeah. Why can't you teach us to paralyze your enemy with one finger? Or find out if a man is lying by the twitch of the nose?" Jay said

"Because not all lessons are about fighting, and I misplaced my lesson book." Wu said

Kai then spotted something Lloyd had behind his back, and he walked over and took it and said, "You mean this lesson book?" he held it up.

"It was the perfect plan, until you had to show up and mess everything up." Lloyd said Cole slide the door shut silencing Lloyd and Nya's voice came over the PA and said, "If your done fooling around, I could use you guys on the bridge, we do still have a snake problem to attend to. Over and out."

Kai then said, "It's one thing to let the son of your nemesis live with you, but having my sister here? I mean come on, I thought this was a ninja headquarters."

Nya's voice came over again and she said, "You do know I can hear you. Over and out."

The ninja made it to the bridge and Nya was standing infront of a map and said, "Last we heard of Pythor, he stole the Map of Dens from Lloyd, and is now on his way to open the last two Serpentine tombs."

"Ugh, Don't remind me." Lloyd said

"Pythor 's our most dangerous threat. If he finds those tombs before we do, with his intellect and all four tribes unleashed, there's no telling what he'll do." Wu said

"But those tombs could be anywhere. Without the map we might as well just throw darts at a map." Jay said

"Good idea, Why don't' we?" Nya said and she tossed two darts at the map, and said, "These are the two locations of the Hypnobrai and Fangpyre tombs."

"Show off." Kai grumbled as Nya walked between him and threw a blue dart and said, "this is Pythor's tomb after many hours are ruminating on why the tombs were place in these precise locations, I discovered a secret pattern." Nya then picked up a flashlight and turn it on and shone it on the screen and and Serpent appeared and said, "If you notice all three are in line with the Ninjago symbol for Serpent. "

"So the last two tombs must be here and here." Jay said and he pointed to the map and then said to Nya, "Ah, you are so smart."

Nya then answered with, "Ah, was there ever any doubt?"

"There's little time. Kai and Jay you head to the Venomari Tomb. Cole, Zane and Misty, you take the Constricai Tomb, and take this you might need it if you run into Pythor." Wu said and handed the flute to Cole, and then added, "Good Luck Ninja."

"What am I gonna do?" Nya asked

"Yeah, what are we gonna do?" Lloyd said

Wu answered with, "Nya I need you here to make sure Lloyd doesn't get into any more trouble."

"Yes, Sensei." Nya sighed

"let's go, boys. We got some snakes to club." Cole said and the Ninja ran out cheering But before Misty ran off she turned back and glared at Lloyd and said, "I swear if you touch another figurine while I'm gone I will come back and turn you into a Crystal Block, and push you off the Bounty!"

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