Slither Pit 6

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Later That Day the Ninja were on the bridge and the alarms were wailing and Nya shouted, "Multiple snake sightings! They're everywhere!"

Each of the ninja answered the call, but every time they were beaten by the Samurai...

Misty was with Kai when he dropped Lloyd off at an Arcade, and Kai said, "Okay, I know it's my turn to look after you, but just play a few games and stay put while I look around, I have a feeling the Samurai might show up."

"Let me help!" Lloyd said

"no." Kai answered firmly

Kai looked thoughtful for a moment and said, "Misty why don't you join Lloyd, since your not trying to find out who the Samurai is it wouldn't hurt for you to take a break. "

"You just want to get rid of me don't you." Misty said sounding annoyed

"Yep." Kai said and then added, "Just stay with Lloyd Cole should come and pick you guys up in a little while."

Misty got off the motorcycle and as Lloyd complained by saying "At least drop us off at a decent arcade."

"Sorry, shorty." Kai said and then he drove off.

Misty just sighed and said, "so I guess we're stuck here," and she shrugged and walked into the arcade.

Lloyd was about to follow her but then he heard a voice say, "I hear he found it, and everyone is gathering again."

He peeked down the ally way and saw a group of snakes and he saw a Fangpyre say, "Impossible, The Lost City does not exist."

"Well, it isn't lost anymore. Ha-ha, and I hear there's gonna be a fight," Skales said

The Fangpyre answered with, "A fight? Count me in."

They began loading a bus and Skales said, "All a board. Next stop, Ouroboros."

Lloyd walked back the to Arcade and saw in a shop window a costume based on the Hypnobrai, tribe, he got it and ran for the bus.

Meanwhile, Misty realized that Lloyd was not with her and she ran out of the arcade just in time to see, Lloyd who was wearing a costume of a snake run around the corner.

"What does he think he's doing?" Misty hissed and she ran after him.

She hide behind corner when she saw Lloyd board a snake bus.

And then close the door and it drove off.

Misty wanted to run after the bus but she knew doing that would place Lloyd and herself in danger.

"I have to get the ninja, now, but how do I get to them." Misty said to herself and then thought, Kai said Cole should be coming, but by the time he gets here it could be too late. I have to go after him myself...

Misty contracted and created her crystal bike and sped off after the bus though she was far behind now, by the time she reached the lost city and managed to get in without alerting the guards she was too late, they had found Lloyd out and now he was in a cage, it was nighttime and Misty realized her only option was to stay the night and see if there was a chance for her to break Lloyd out, but the chance never came, plus Misty was constantly having to keep moving to remain undetected.

When the morning came she saw the ninja had managed to track Lloyd's location down, and they ran out but as soon as they did a cage slammed down around them and they ended up dropping their golden weapons.

All the snakes gasped, meanwhile Misty who was in a hiding spot just big enough to house her, face palmed herself and muttered, "By this rate their never reach their full potentials."

Misty and the Rise of the Snakes (Ninjago)Where stories live. Discover now