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"Kiara Cartier."


"Welcome to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes!" Kiara smiled widely at a customer as they entered the store. "May I help you with anything?"

The customer politely declined her offer and walked away, leaving Kiara to bounce on the heels of her feet as she waited to greet the next customer. The summer holidays were an overwhelmingly busy season for Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. The shop was jam-packed with wizards and witches, young and old who were patting the Pygmy Puffs, choosing from the shelves full of the New and Improved Skiving Snackboxes, sniffing the love potions and examining the displays of brand-new merchandise. Her summer job had made this summer the best one yet. And, to make matters better, she got to spend more time with her boyfriend, after their relationship had recently been renewed after a year apart as friends.

"You can help with me anything," Someone whispered into her ear. Kiara rolled her eyes and turned to face her grinning boyfriend, Fred Weasley.

"And, what do you need help with Mr Weasley?" Kiara giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck. She was thankful that the shop was so crammed that no one would notice them tightly wrapped in each other's embrace. Her short blonde hair danced above her shoulders after a fresh cut after Dumbledore's funeral. Even though Fred loved her long hair when they first dated, he couldn't help but love her short hair more. Fred's grin widened as her pink eyes met his. He loved making her eyes pink. Kiara was an Arcus Oculus, meaning that her eye colour changed with her emotions. Fred's favourite colour, by far, was pink because it was the colour that she had whenever he was around her.

"I think you know exactly what I mean, Miss Malfoy," Fred murmured, leaning in for a kiss. Before their lips could touch, however, a rough hand reached out and grabbed Fred's collar, pulling him away from Kiara.

"No PDA during business hours," George objected loudly, yanking Fred backwards and out of Kiara's grasp. "We don't want to see you two eating each other's faces off."

"The customers don't mind seeing our affection and we don't eat other's faces off," Fred said grumpily, rubbing his neck and fixing his collar. "They think it's lovely that I'm dating our co-owner. We've had our fair share of compliments, especially from the elderly."

"Not them," Lee said loudly from behind the register, cheerily waving a customer goodbye. He glared at them. "Us! We shouldn't have to be blinded by your snogging every ten minutes."

"Jealous, are we boys?" Kiara sniggered. She adjusted the magenta-coloured robes that she wore. Fred sighed; he couldn't believe how beautiful she looked in their work clothes. "I thought you wanted us to be together, George. Weren't you the one who was celebrating when you caught us kissing after Dumbledore's funeral?"

"I'm starting to regret it," George muttered gruffly under his breath. "Anyway, there's a girl who wants to ask some questions about the love potions so you're up, Kiara. You actually need to do some work, rather than flirting with the management."

"I told you, I don't want anything to do with those stupid things," Kiara groaned, folding her arms. "They're not my products! You just decided to put them in my section to punish me. And people think that I condone love potions because they have my face on them."

"Well, they're in the WonderWitch section which is your section. You don't see Fred and I selling those products while you're here. Anyway, if you don't, I'll start advertising your relationship with Fred as a result of a love potion," Kiara's eyes flashed gold as she narrowed her stare. "As you both said, you've received your fair share of compliments so it'll be a successful campaign."

Kiara Cartier (Fred Weasley Love Series)Where stories live. Discover now