Ch. 9: Muggle Disguise

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"Kiara Cartier."

Chapter 9: Muggle Disguise

"ARE YOU INSANE, GEORGE FABIAN WEASLEY? I AM NOT WEARING THAT!" Kiara screamed, glaring at George. He was holding up a two-tone of yellow and red costume made of nylon with a blue lace ruffle around the collar and extending past the wrists. It was baggy, as it was meant to be, with three large round colourful buttons down the chest. At the feet, there were two oversized white shoes that were far too large for a normal person. George grinned as he brandished a multicoloured wig that resembled an afro.

"Look, I even got the wig to match!"

"In what normal state of mind did you think that I would ever wear a clown costume?" Kiara seethed, folding her arms. It was the day after Bill and Fleur's wedding and the three had returned to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, despite the protests from Mrs Weasley that they should remain at the Burrow. Fortunately, they kept the store closed for the extra day due to 'unforeseen circumstances' which, in other words, meant brainstorming and coming up with an idea for Kiara to remain protected and disguised at the shop throughout the year.

When they arrived, George announced that he had been planning an extraordinary idea for days. He raved about how Kiara would be disguised perfectly and that the Death Eaters would never recognise her. The way that he was talking in such a hopeful and convincing tone somehow persuaded Kiara and Fred that George was about to provide them with a solution.

Unfortunately, that was all forgotten when George displayed his idea.

"Well, you work in a joke shop and if you're dressed as a clown, no one will recognise you," George scoffed, waving the costume. To Kiara's side, Fred was roaring with laughter at the disgust on her face. Her hair and eyes were still a dark shade of brown but her makeup was removed, making her only slightly recognisable. But, you still needed to study her closely to see the resemblance.

"Honestly George, you got my hopes up for nothing," Kiara sighed, slumping on the couch in their living room. "Now, we're back to the beginning."

"So..." George began slowly. "Is that a no or...?"

"Obviously it's a no," Kiara groaned, glowering at him furiously. "I am not wearing a clown costume, even if the Death Eaters come after me."

George huffed, slamming his foot to the ground like a child and stormed to his room, muttering about the lack of appreciation for clowns. Fred sniggered.

"Please tell me that you have a better idea."

Fred wiped a stray tear from his eyes before exhaling. "To be honest, I thought of building a hidden room behind the backroom. A few spells and concealment would work. We can purchase a bookcase from a Muggle shop and seal it off for the daytime. I'm sure that Dad and Lupin would be able to help us out."

Kiara frowned at Fred's words. He was onto something, but not in the way that he was thinking. The pieces were beginning to join together in her mind as she searched for an answer.

"This disguise though," Fred gestured to Kiara's brown hair and brown eyes. "It's honestly foolproof. That way, you don't have to be cooped in a small room all day until the shop closes."

Something clicked in her head.

"That's it," Kiara whispered, glancing at Fred with wide eyes.

"Did you change your mind about the clown?" George asked hopefully, appearing in the lounge room with a grin. She ignored him.

"I didn't mention my name to Bellatrix. All they know is that I'm Fleur's cousin and she believed the story. We can use that."

"How?" Fred asked, looking at his girlfriend curiously. "Why would we hire Fleur's cousin to work for us?"

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