Ch. 30: Time for Decisions

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"Kiara Cartier."

Chapter 30: Time for Decisions

Two days.

For two whole days, Kiara sat alone in her cell without anything to do or anyone to speak with.

She stared at the ceiling and walls in the dimly lit cell blankly. She was lucky enough that one of the many House-Elves, Hopsy, who brought her two meals a day, felt sympathetic towards her. Hopsy was a new House-Elf to Malfoy Manor who she hadn't met before. She had however, heard about the stories from the other House-Elves about the kind Kiara Malfoy who was always polite, used her manners and smiled at them every time they bowed. To show her respect for Kiara, she placed a permanent enchantment on the candle so that it never melted. The candle stayed continuously lit as Kiara pleased when she ignited the tip, but there were times like now where she just wanted to lie in darkness without any worries at all.

Other than the House-Elves who brought her meals twice a day, no one came down to visit her since her conversation with Voldemort. She half expected Bellatrix or Lucius to come downstairs at any given moment, with the intention to abuse and torture her for hours on end but nothing happened. Clearly, Voldemort ordered that no one try and sway Kiara's choices. He wanted her decision to be made on her own merits. Hence, the reason why she was left in complete isolation for two days.

Surprisingly, not even Draco and Narcissa came to speak with her. Kiara wondered if they were too concerned for their own safety and decided that it would be a better choice to avoid speaking with her. She couldn't blame them; she knew that any association with her was far too dangerous for them. She would trade a meal for some company though, although her grumbling stomach might suggest something different.

She wished even more than anything however, that she could see Draco for a split second. She wanted that fleeting moment to look at him and find out whether Fred was alive or not. She didn't have to share any words with Draco to see whether he had done what she asked and found Fred. She knew deep down that she'd be able to tell without having to ask the question.

She hoped Fred was alive, more than she hoped to escape from this cell. It was the only thought that was keeping her from downright pure boredom as she sat in her cell, without anything to do except wait for her time to run out. The two days dragged and dragged, especially in the absence of her having a watch or clock to tell the time. The only way how Kiara knew when a day was over was because the House-Elves gave her a glass of milk in the morning, rather than a glass water.

Kiara sighed. Thinking of Fred brought to her mind the awful reality that she had no choice except to give in to Voldemort's demands. She knew for a fact that Voldemort did not and would not bluff. He made his threats seriously, and Kiara didn't doubt that. And, even if he was bluffing, she was not prepared to gamble Fred's life to find out that truth. He was far too important to her.

She had no choice. She would have to abide by Voldemort's commands and join his forces. The thought of following his orders sent a harsh chill down her spine. It made her feel uneasy, but she knew that if Fred was still alive, he'd continue to keep living. Her plan was to bargain his safety and force Voldemort to provide Fred with immunity, so that no harm would ever come to him. She didn't want to beg or negotiate with that man in any way, if you could even refer to him as a human anymore, but she would resort to anything to protect Fred.

Fred's life meant significantly more to her than her own.

Kiara sat up abruptly, hearing the advancing sound of footsteps coming down the stairs. It grew louder and louder with each step. It was time for her to voice her decision. She quickly blew out her candle, not wanting to get Hopsy in trouble for helping her. If it was discovered by someone that Hopsy assisted Kiara in any way, she knew that she would be murdered within short moments.

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