Ch. 27: To The Unknown

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"Kiara Cartier."

Chapter 27: To The Unknown

"I can't believe we decided to work on New Years Eve!" Fred exhaled in frustration, packaging their Muggle cards and tricks into boxes. They were removing the stock that wasn't selling very well, if not at all, given the current market was either only for pranks for the Hogwarts students or their Protego section. There was no point keeping the remaining items on their shelves, considering they would eventually have to pack it away anyway. They were wanted to save time while they could and store it safely away.

George was doing the same, but with the Wonder Witch section. The filled boxes were going to be hidden in a spare room which was hidden by a door disguised as a wall. Kiara and Cameron charmed it together. You wouldn't know it was there unless someone showed you. It wasn't foolproof to say the least, but it would prevent any Snatchers from destroying their hard work and money.

In the back room, Kiara was working closely with Lee, Cameron and Liliana. They were trying to make as many products as they possibly could. And with four people and no customers to serve in the store, it was the perfect opportunity for them. They wouldn't have many more days like this if they were planning to close in the next two months.

"We have to make up for lost time in the future," George pointed out, echoing the only thought of encouragement that they had.

Fred frowned. "We won't be losing that much time. Aren't we planning to run our owl order business?"

"Exactly, this leaves us more time to do that," George explained. He eyed his brother, who was sighing and running a hand through his hair repetitively. He was acting different and very unlike his usual self. "Why are you so antsy today? You seem... Nervous."

He fiddled with a box of Muggle cards, flicking the cardboard between his fingers silently. "I need to ask Kiara to spend the evening with me."

"We live together, so what's the issue?" George questioned him, looking confused. "And even if we didn't, why are you nervous to ask her that? You are dating her."

"No reason," Fred said, speaking slightly too quickly than normal. George raised his eyebrows but didn't comment, noticing that Kiara stepped out from behind the curtain. He knew that the conversation was meant to be private. Fred looked back down at his boxes, acting as if they weren't just talking about her. He would ask her when she didn't look so lost in her concentration as she held a clipboard, marking the inventory that needed to be increased. George smirked cheekily, forming a quick plan.

"Hey Aria?" George asked loudly. Fred looked at his brother apprehensively, worried about the next words that would come out of his mouth. He stared at him pleadingly, hoping that he wouldn't throw his twin under the bus. "Are you free this evening?"

Kiara looked at him curiously. She decided to answer in a sarcastic tone. "I'm thinking of crashing a few parties and drinking a couple of bottles of Firewhiskey to myself. I might dance on a few tables before midnight. Why?"


"Aria, can I talk to you?" Fred interrupted, glowering at his brother. Kiara glanced between them, unsure about the telepathic conversation that they were seemingly having. Meanwhile, Fred was mentally cursing his brother with every rude name possible while George was responding with glee and thoughts echoing "you're welcome.0

"Um... Okay?" Kiara answered quietly, following Fred to the entranceway of the flat. He shut the door behind them, even though it was only the other four people in the store who could possibly hear them. He didn't mind if they did, since three of them actually knew Kiara's identity but he wanted it to be personal. "Is everything okay?"

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