Ch. 35: Clean Slate

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"Kiara Cartier."

Chapter 35: Clean Slate

Kiara awoke from her slumber with a smile on her face. The emerald satin sheets around her body softly touched and brushed against her bare skin. She sat up and stretched her arms over her head, easing and releasing any tightness or stiffness in her joints. She had no worry or stress in her body because there was nothing in the world to concern her. Her room was cold from the winter season, so she cast a fire in the fireplace with a flick of her fingers. The fire appeared instantly, roaring and filling the bedroom with warmth.

"Good morning Mistress Malfoy," a house-elf named Puddy knocked on her door politely. She entered with a full tray of breakfast, including two slices of toast, different spreads, juice and a bowl of fresh fruit, as she did every day that Kiara could remember. "It is a lovely day today. What are you planning to do?"

Kiara didn't thank Puddy, or even attempt to convince her that it wasn't necessary to bring her meals. She did it everyday for her, it was not out of the ordinary. To the House-Elves though, it wasn't like Kiara at all, to not treat them as her equal. They were under strict orders though, with the threat of death breathing on their necks if they alerted her to that fact. She flattened her silk pyjamas. "I'm not sure about my plans for the day. I need to go to the Drawing Room after breakfast. The Dark Lord has summoned me there. He would like to see me."

"Of course," Puddy bowed to the ground, placing her breakfast tray on her bedside table with a soft clink. "I've hung up some clothes for you already, as requested by your father. They are freshly cleaned and pressed. I understand that they were especially picked out for you and the Dark lord wants you to wear it today."

Kiara nodded, but stayed silent as she ate her breakfast. She didn't have anything else to say. Puddy dismissed herself from her presence with a crack, not engaging further. It was a glum feeling, knowing that there was no longer anyone in the Manor who cared about the welfare of the House-Elves.

The fabricated reality to Kiara was that she was staying home for the duration of her Seventh Year of Hogwarts, as the Dark Lord wanted her at his side and nearby due to being his second-in-charge. Schooling was not as important at this point in time, as it was to win this war. They were winning though, the Ministry of Magic had fallen and Voldemort controlled the Wizarding World. The only thing left was to find Harry Potter.

She remembered a very important conversation with the Dark Lord the night prior, where he sat her down and explained his glorious purpose for her. For many years, she spent her summer, Christmas and Easter holidays being taught by Voldemort, Lucius or Bellatrix how to practice and use her Fire and Water elemental magic. It had all led to her inevitable life goal to become the Dark Lord's greatest weapon. She was going to be the key reason that would secure their win, and defeat their enemies.

That's what she was forced to believe anyway.

Unknown to Kiara, her memories were a complete lie. Her memories of her entire life were completely falsified and altered by Voldemort. It took Voldemort over an hour to finish poking around in her brain and removing any references to Harry Potter, the Weasley's and anyone else she closely associated with. There were so many of them because her memories were completely filled with them. She now remembered her life at Hogwarts from the very different and opposing eyes of a Slytherin student, clad in the emerald and silver coloured robes, who was friends with Draco and his friends. She had vivid memories of them spending time in the Slytherin Common Room, or insulting Harry Potter at any given opportunity.

More importantly, she had no memories of ever loving and being with Fred Weasley. She remembered him as an older student at Hogwarts, but it was far off in the distance in the sense that she didn't even recall sharing any words with him, other than muttering "blood-traitor" under her breath when she saw him in the hallway. If she saw Fred Weasley and walked past him in the street now, she wouldn't even glance twice in his direction. He was a blood-traitor that she would never associate herself with.

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