Ch. 32: Floating on Feathers

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"Kiara Cartier."

Chapter 32: Floating on Feathers

Kiara and Harper continued to converse over the next few weeks, their friendship growing and blossoming. It inevitably became the only physical thing that got Kiara through the continuous torture from Lucius and Bellatrix and the solitary confinement of the four walls of her bedroom. Despite the numerous uses of the Cruciatus curse, at the end of it, she looked forward to finally speaking and laughing with Harper again. The thought of somehow getting back to Fred helped her mentally when she was alone in her thoughts but it wasn't real and tangible, unlike Harper who was only an air vent away to speak with. The conversations weren't fake in her mind. They were real, and they comforted her or brought a smile to her face.

Harper was a loud, confident and high-spirited person. It was a wonder how no one had overheard their conversations and caught them red-handed with the loud volume of her voice or laugh at times. She reminded Kiara of a female version of Fred and George. Unlike them however, she was not a prankster at Ilvermorny. Rather, she was outspoken, adventurous and unafraid of trying new things, even if they were crazy or dangerous. If she was being honest, Kiara thought of her to be a daredevil, who chased the feelings of adrenaline.

She learnt things about Harper quickly, such as her adventures at Ilvermorny, her childhood with her family in Baltimore, her dark coloured hair, her strong dislike for snakes and most interestingly, how she learnt to use the Air element.

Unlike Kiara, Harper was born with the ability, which meant that she used it as a child. Her great-grandmother taught her everything she knew until she was seven, when she unfortunately passed away due to old age. She made it the most important task to make sure that Harper knew as much as she could before she died. Even on her death bed, she made sure that Harper shared her last lesson with her so she could rest peacefully knowing that her great-granddaughter was able to carry the legacy.

Since that time, Harper used her knowledge and vigorous training to improve and expand her skills even more. She practiced most days, and her teachers at Ilvermorny even helped her by giving her a private room to practice in, with floatable objects such as feathers and balloons to control and manipulate in the air.

Her elemental powers and daredevil personality went hand in hand, which explained some of the memories she recounted to Kiara. In her Sixth Year, she decided to ride a Hippogriff and jump off from an obscene height after a dare from one of her close friends. She thought that her Air element would help her fly and soar in the sky, or at least land softly but she hadn't managed to work out how to use it in that way. Fortunately, her life was saved with the use of Arresto Momento which prevented gravity from pulling her body flat to the ground.

It was safe to say that Kiara's eyes turned a vibrant shade of orange when Harper retold some of her memories at school.

"You should teach me," Kiara thought aloud one day, lying on her back on the floor with her head propped up on a pillow. They had been speaking for a few hours now with no interruptions. The dull ache of her sprained wrist was beginning to ease, after Bellatrix intentionally twisted her hand. She rubbed her wrist, trying to massage away the pain. Her eyes were dark blue, as the lightbulb went off in her head. "How to use air – I mean."

"I can't believe we haven't thought of that by now!" Harper responded, smacking her hand against her forehead in frustration. "Meanwhile, we've been playing stupid games for weeks to pass the time. Never have I ever, or truth and dare is never any fun without some alcohol."

"Or the ability to actually use magic," Kiara rolled her eyes. "I'm serious, though. I need to learn how to use Air for my Prophecy and teaching myself will never be as quick or as good in comparison to me learning from someone who actually knows how to use it. I know nothing about it. It's been so difficult for me to wrap my head around in understanding how to use."

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