Ch. 24: Making Up

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"Kiara Cartier."

Chapter 24: Making Up

The night of Kiara and Cameron's sleepover was memorable. Cameron moved the television from the lounge room into his bedroom for the night, blatantly ignoring any of Kiara's refusals against it. He knew that she would be thankful that he did and she was, even though she wouldn't openly admit it. They managed to eat their entire way through an entire tub of chocolate ice cream while watching Muggle comedy movies that left them in stitches as they doubled over with laughter. Both of them had somehow forgotten what it was like to be so happy without being concerned about the events taking place outside those four walls. Neither of them used magic once. Their wands lay across the room, completely untouched and forgotten.

Cameron's mum was kind enough to come into the room from time to time and bring them food or drinks, offering a variety of options. She treated Kiara with such kindness, even though she only knew her as Aria. She gave her some of Liliana's clothes to sleep in, accepting Cameron's story that Aria left her apartment in Diagon Alley because of Death Eaters on the doorstep and needed somewhere to stay overnight until she found a different place in London that was much safer without the threat of an unwelcome visit. She reminded Kiara of Mrs Weasley and her hospitality, but in a non-magical way.

Kiara felt guilty for spending so much time with Cameron, particularly as she was aware that he still had feelings for her. She didn't want him to get the wrong idea and think that she was toying with his heart, incase her and Fred didn't work out. She didn't want him to feel like a second option that she was using because they were arguing. He reassured her that this could never be the case; he knew that she wanted their friendship back just as much as he did. The timing of them seeing each other after months and sparking a different emotion in Fred merely made it seem like that.

Nevertheless, she was grateful for the fact that he didn't try anything at all. He was polite and offered for her to sleep on his bed when she finally fell asleep in the early hours of the morning, while he slept on a lumpy spare mattress on the floor like a gentleman. He teased her with slight references to his feelings for her, but they shared some sort of amusement in that. In her Sixth Year, it would've made her blush and her eye colour change to pink, but things were different now. She didn't feel the same anymore.

When she woke up the next morning, she forgot momentarily where she was. It took her a minute to recognise the foreign bed and ceiling with the enchanted lights overhead, as well as the absence of a certain red-head that she'd grown accustomed to waking up with over the past few weeks. There was no arm laying across her body, holding her close to his chest. She didn't realise how quickly she became used to sleeping with Fred. If she didn't have such a good night with Cameron the night before, it was unlikely that she would've been able to fall asleep at all. More importantly, she finally came to terms with the feeling in the pit of her stomach that deeply missed Fred. It reminded her of the first few weeks after they broke up.

She wished her night with Cameron never got the chance to end. Even though she told Fred she would take as long as she needed, she always knew that she wouldn't stay any longer than one night. It wasn't right to him or their relationship, and would only be adding fuel to the fire. She was avoiding the uncomfortable conversation that he initially tried to escape. Now, she was the one running.

"You're awake," Cameron said softly. Kiara jumped with surprise and peered over the edge of the bed, facing him. He was resting on his back, staring at her with a soft smile on his face. His hair was more messy than usual and for someone who slept on a mattress on the floor of his own bedroom, he looked quite content. Even so, it wasn't like he would complain if he didn't sleep well. That wasn't in Cameron's personality to ever complain. He was a gentleman. "I heard you sigh."

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