Ch. 2: Staying Behind

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"Kiara Cartier."

Chapter 2: Staying Behind

For the next three days, Kiara didn't speak to Fred and George except where Weasley's Wizard Wheezes was concerned. Even then, she was blunt and only used the necessary words required to discuss work-related matters. She was furious with Fred for not defending her and encouraging Mad-Eye to refuse her from coming on the mission. In the same breath, she was angry with George for also not defending her because he wasn't as emotionally involved as Fred and should've seen more reason than his brother.

It was difficult to ignore Fred, especially after the commencement of their relationship. She could see the sadness in his face but she knew that he could see the anger in her eyes, represented by the mixture of red and gold. She felt betrayed by her boyfriend but more pointedly, she was worried about what may happen to him without her protection.

On the night of Harry's rescue, Kiara arrived at the Burrow before Fred and George. She appeared using her powers from her bedroom, ignoring their pleas through the locked door that she should talk to them in the privacy of their flat before they leave. When she arrived, nearly everyone was waiting, except for Mundungus Fletcher and the twins. Kiara sat next to a miserable Ginny, who smiled weakly at her presence. She was thankful that, at the very least, she would have the comfort from someone who shared a similar frustration.

"How are you feeling?" Ginny breathed, leaning towards Kiara.

"Like a naughty little child who's been grounded," Kiara muttered, folding her arms.

Fred and George appeared moments later. Fred's eyes immediately searched for Kiara, spotting her glowering at the kitchen table as if it would incinerate underneath her palms. For a split second, he remembered that it probably could. He went to walk towards her but Mad-Eye stopped him with a loud growl.

"Where the ruddy hell is Mundungus?"

"Probably in the middle of a business deal," George muttered under his breath.

"You can't trust him, Alastor," Mrs Weasley said shakily, clutching Mr Weasley's hand tightly. Her skin was white with fear and worry. Her husband and four of her sons were in possible danger this evening. Kiara's expression softened, hoping that she could at least provide some comfort to Mrs Weasley during the hour that they were absent.

Crack. Mundungus Fletcher appeared in the kitchen window, pocketing a dozen gold coins. Mad-Eye glared at him as he entered the kitchen, panting.

"'m sorry. Was 'n the middle of something-,"

"Shut it!" Mad-Eye roared, causing the entire kitchen to fall silent. "Alright, as discussed. In pairs, either by thestral, broom or Hagrid, by the motorbike. Make sure we are casting our Disillusionment Charms before we leave, we don't want the Death Eaters to attack us before we get there. Let's get moving. We're running out of time!"

"We'll be okay, Molly," Mr Weasley kissed his wife on the cheek, who seemed to be on the verge of crying as everyone began filing out of the kitchen. Ginny stood up and followed them, wanting to watch them leave.

"Please be safe boys," Mrs Weasley sniffed, kissing Bill's forehead. She smiled at Fleur and Hermione. "You too, girls."

Hermione hugged Kiara. As she did so, she whispered in her ear. "I suggested muggle contacts after you left. You know, for your eyes. But, no one seemed to listen to me. I'm sorry."

Kiara smiled at Hermione, grateful that her friend tried to stand up for her. "Thank you, 'Mione. Watch your back, okay?" Hermione nodded and left the kitchen.

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