Ch. 36: Noah Thompson

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"Kiara Cartier."

Chapter 36: Noah Thompson

To her disappointment, Kiara didn't get the opportunity to spend time with Noah as anticipated after her first lesson with Harper. While she was eating the sandwiches for lunch that the House-Elves prepared for her, her father told her that he was busy, and they would resume their first lesson the following afternoon. She pulled a disappointed face in response. Therefore, she spent the day with Harper instead.

Kiara picked up the Air element with ease and efficiency, much to her surprise. She didn't have any expectations for herself to learn anything for at least a week, but she was surprised about her abilities. After an hour, she managed to learn how to control a feather using her Air element. By the end of the first morning, she could move books in various directions. By the second morning, she was able to move chairs and desks in the library. Her eyes were round like galleons in a vibrant shade of orange when she lifted a large mahogany dress up to the ceiling and gently rested it back to its original position on the floorboards.

Harper was not surprised though, although she feigned her shock with loud gasps and claps of delight. She complimented her with words of encouragement by saying that she never expected her to learn so quickly. Her surprise was completely far from that.

Unknown to her completely, Kiara already knew how to use the Air Element since Harper had already taught her for several hours and days prior. This was the second time that she was learning how to control objects. Even if her memory didn't remember it because of the Obliviate spell, her powers and abilities were not wiped. She had already performed those moves only a few days and weeks earlier. It was not a surprise that it all came to her naturally, because it was truly instinct.

The two girls were bonding as well. In between demonstrations from Harper and Kiara's mostly successful attempts to replicate the same action, they spoke about their past. Harper had the upper hand with befriending Kiara, since she had already done it once before. However, she wanted to find out the extent of her memory loss so she asked the same questions she did before, as if she knew absolutely nothing about her. She found out that Voldemort altered her memory so that she remembered her time at Hogwarts in the Slytherin House, rather than Gryffindor. The memories she recounted were completely different. Voldemort was smart with what he amended and wiped from her mind, although Harper would never admit it aloud. He ensured that Kiara's false memories could never accidentally be traced back to the real ones by trigger words.

In return for her stories, she told Kiara about her time at Ilvermorny School, but avoided mentioning Luke completely. His death was still painful and the slightest mention of him made tears well up in her eyes. She couldn't lie about the circumstances of his death either, not when she was overwhelmed with emotions. It was easier to just avoid the topic entirely.

In an effort to bond with Kiara more, she was sitting on the edge of Kiara's bed after several hours of practising. Kiara was due to meet with Noah in the gardens outside to begin their first lesson in ten minutes, but she wanted to change into something impressive and eye-catching. Harper was torn, completely split between her desire to bring Kiara's memories of Fred back and her need to befriend her first. The latter prevailed, so she told Kiara that she would help her pick out an outfit, even if it was to impress a guy who wasn't Fred.

This version of Kiara was far more self-confident than her original self, similar to Harper. She walked around her bedroom in nothing but a matching black bra and underwear set. She didn't care that she had company, she had nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about. Her body was fantastic from every angle, both to look at and to have. She didn't even bother trying to cover herself up. Harper asked politely if she should turn away but Kiara dismissed her with a laugh, her eyes dark blue as she pulled out random outfits from her wardrobe, eyeing them carefully.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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