Ch. 33: The Contingency

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"Kiara Cartier."

Chapter 33: The Contingency

Harper was an amazing teacher. She clearly knew how to use the Air element well, after spending many years practicing and training. It was as if she dreamed of the day where she could finally share her knowledge with someone else. She was never unwilling or wavered in helping Kiara, no matter how long it took them. It was challenging to teach her without seeing her face to face, but Harper was determined and focussed.

It took Kiara one week to learn how to control objects using her Air element. She started with the feather, and slowly progressed to heavier objects, such as a pillow, shoe and chair. She was able to push and pull things up and down, left and right.

In the second week, she learnt how to manipulate air. This involved creating sharp gusts of wind. To do so, Kiara lay a feather on the opposite side of the room and tried to conjure a gust of wind to move the feather from one side of the room to the other. It took her four days of trying for hours on end to finally do it once. Harper squealed with excitement in response. Eventually, the plan was to teach her how to creates vortexes of wind to create tornadoes and cyclones. For now however, they only focused on gusts of wind until she was better equipped with her powers.

This week, they were learning how to create blasts of air from Kiara's fingertips. Harper explained to Kiara that she would be able to compress air in her hands and release blasts to slice through anything or spheres to knock over objects. It was an offensive move. The explanation from Harper made it seem much easier than it was though.

Kiara swore in frustration after trying the same movement for three hours straight. Her wrists were beginning to ache as she repeatedly flicked her wrists outwards, imagining movements of air flowing from her fingertips at a fast pace. She rubbed her right wrist, which clicked in agony, with golden coloured eyes. She was annoyed with herself, she couldn't do it.

"Come on, Kiara," Harper reassured her through the vent. She could tell her friend was angry and disappointed with herself. "Don't be so hard on yourself. You've already exceeded expectations. It's taken you two weeks to learn how to control objects and manipulate air. You've done an amazing job!"

"I feel like I learn so much quicker if I could at least, see you do it," Kiara grumbled. "It's not your fault, you've been an amazing teacher but trying to replicate something perfectly based only on listening to you is nearly impossible. It's frustrating that if I was at least with you, I could probably do some of these moves by now."

"It's all we have at the moment," Harper sighed. "Maybe, let's take a break for a bit? Relax your mind so we can dive straight back into it without any obstacles. You haven't taken a break since we started."

"Yes, I have," Kiara defended herself. "I've slept, gone through hours of torture here and there and I've even spent a few hours not practicing Air!"

"Because you've been practicing Fire and Water!" Harper laughed. "Admit it! You've spent all of your free time practicing your elemental magic!"

Kiara smiled sheepishly, her frustration with herself vanishing. Harper had that effect on her to brighten her mood. "I've honestly been more motivated in the past three weeks than I've ever been."

"You'll find that learning Air might have a cross over with Fire and Water in the sense that you'll be able to use the same moves."

"That's true. I can already create blasts of fire from my hands," Kiara remarked.

"Which means it'll be easier for you to learn air blasting because already you can do it with fire. You just need to change the element that you're using!"  Harper pointed out. "So, rather than thinking about fire, think about air instead."

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