Ch. 19: Earth and Air

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"Kiara Cartier."

Chapter 19: Earth and Air

The sky was dark outside, without a cloud within sight. Kiara sat on her bed on this particular Thursday evening, with the lull of static playing quietly from her nightstand. The radio was ready for Fred and George's second airing of Potterwatch, which would begin within the next ten minutes or so. They were at an abandoned house in Stamford, which they discovered through Alicia Spinnet who contacted Lee after hearing their first broadcast. Their former Quidditch player gave them the address, as her grandparents lived around the corner. The house had been abandoned for years, which meant that it was the perfect location for Potterwatch. They would use the Anti-Tracking Jinx once more, but they all knew that it was still important for them to move around regardless.

Their first broadcast was a success, according to Lee. Their audience was now doubling, since the first listeners were sharing the channel and password with friends and family that they could trust. According to Lupin, it was a breath of fresh air for those who are also rebelling against Voldemort. Tonight, they would be exposing more of the truth of the events occurring to help boost morale for all those who support Harry.

Since Kiara was alone in the flat, she decided to turn her mind to the gifts that Dumbledore bequeathed her in his will. Although Fred voiced his willingness to assist her, she knew that she needed to make a start by herself. She needed to be alone, without the constant watch over from someone else.

She held the Phoenix feather in her hands. It was obvious to her that this resembled the Air element, whilst the enchanted plant resembled the Earth element. Her belief was that Dumbledore wanted her to use both objects to practice, like she used the candle in his office or the Black Lake. It was the only option that her mind could think of. He always taught her with some sort of an object to focus on. While he told her that she was far beyond his teachings when he was alive, she believed that he gave her these objects in his Will to make sure that she stayed on the right track.

She closed her eyes for a moment, resting the feather on the ground in front of her. She raised her hands above it, imagining it floating in the air by a gentle breeze. She opened her eyes after a moment, but the feather hadn't moved. She wasn't disappointed though, she was used to practising hard and long with her powers.

The radio's dial twirled and Kiara turned to it and murmured the password, tapping the radio with her wand. There was silence for a moment, then...

"Good evening and welcome to Potterwatch! River here and I am happy to be delivering to you our second broadcast. I am pleased to tell you that I am joined tonight by Rodent and Rapier, as well as two other guests who have joined me here this evening. Good evening Royal and Romulus."

"Hi," Lupin responded.

"Evening, River," Kingsley answered. "Thank you for having us."

"Since we are joined by Royal and Romulus this evening, we will be including several new features on our broadcast," Fred explained. Kiara smiled in happiness. She suggested the idea to them earlier that week. It would give the broadcast greater opportunities, as well as encouraging listeners to tune in when they spoke with certain guests. Lupin and Kingsley were their first choices since they were two knowledgeable members of the Order. She glanced back at the feather, repeating her actions as they continued to speak in the background.

"That's right, Rapier. And, for our first feature, our contributor, Rodent, will be providing an update regarding the current Muggle-Born regime. Rodent, are you able to provide our listeners with a report regarding the Snatchers recent movements?"

"I can, River," George answered. "The Snatchers have abandoned their patrols in previously popular and bustling areas, such as Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade. We continue to receive reports that they are randomly breaking into wizarding homes and interrogating residences as to the whereabouts of muggle-born friends or relatives. Some groups have also gone to greater lengths by searching forests, farms, villages and abandoned buildings to search for Muggle-borne in hiding. We remind our listeners that if they are on the run, to use protective enchantments. There are numerous options, but we recommend the following: Protego Totalum, Salvio Hexia, Cave Inimicum, Muffliato and a Fidelius charm, if you know how to cast it."

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