Ch. 10: The First Visit

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"Kiara Cartier."

Chapter 10: The First Visit

Kiara styled her brown hair nervously the next morning with trembling and freshly-tanned fingers. She tapped sections with her wand, straightening it with a spell so there were no similarities to her usual and natural curls. Her brown contact lenses were already in place, after spending over an hour trying to insert them properly. Her eyes were slightly pink and teary from the uncomfortable application but nevertheless, her disguise was convincing.

"Love, are you nearly ready?" Fred called, his head popping into the bathroom. She glanced at his reflection with wide eyes, waiting for his opinion. He knew that if she wasn't wearing her disguise, her eyes would be white with fear. He sighed, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his head above hers. "This plan will work perfectly. You don't need to be scared. You look perfectly unlike you."

"Perfectly unlike you?" Kiara laughed uneasily. "Under the circumstances, that is the best compliment you could've given me."

"Well, I am here to provide compliments for my girl at her service," Fred smirked, twirling her around in his arms so that she was now facing him. He tucked a stray strand of brown hair behind her ear, rubbing her cheek with his thumb. "Nothing will happen to you, I promise. I will make sure of it"

Kiara exhaled, smiling softly. She felt somewhat relieved, but she knew the nerves wouldn't disappear for a long time. She couldn't bring herself to concern Fred further though, so she responded with a simple "Okay." He kissed her gently, trying to ease her anxiety.

"I can't believe it!" George gasped, clutching his heart in horror as he appeared in the doorway. Kiara and Fred stared at him in confusion, wondering why he was acting theatrical on this occasion. "My... My girlfriend is cheating on me... With my twin brother!"

"Scandalous," Kiara replied in amusement, watching as George fell to the ground dramatically. After much deliberation and arguments the night before between the twins, Fred begrudgingly allowed for George to act as Aria Cartier's boyfriend during business hours. It would help lessen suspicion of Aria acting in her new identity if she wasn't dating Fred. As expected, Fred set out strict ground rules otherwise, he promised to cut off a body part from George that wasn't his ear. Kiara had a sneaking suspicion what the body part was as well. "Alright," Kiara flattened her magenta robes and adjusted her newly printed name tag. "Let's see what Aria Cartier can do."

"That's the spirit, love," Fred kissed her cheek comfortingly before they departed down the flat's stairs to the store downstairs. Lee was already standing by the register, nodding at the twins and Kiara.

"Aria," Lee waved, keeping his smile polite. "It's nice to see you again."

"It's Lee, right?" Kiara asked, stressing her French accent with her words. Lee nodded as Verity exited the backroom, a shocked expression on her face.

"Who are you?" She asked bluntly, looking Kiara up and down with a judging look in her eyes. It was the first time that she had ever spoken to anyone at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes besides Fred. Maybe, she felt intimidated by working with yet another female.

"My name is Aria Cartier," Kiara smiled falsely, forcing herself to walk over to Verity and shake her hand. Much to Kiara's disgust, Verity turned to Fred and touched his shoulder. She felt rage bubble inside her but she couldn't act on her jealousy without arousing suspicion. She kept her face blank, by imagining shoving Verity's face first into a crate of Weasley Wildfire Whiz-bangs.

"Is Kiara no longer with us?"

"She's not dead, if that's what you're asking," George said dully, appearing at Kiara's side. "She needed to leave the store, for the time being. Aria is our sister-in-law's cousin from France and she's going to be helping us out since she's gone."

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