Ch. 6: Bill and Fleur's Wedding

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"Kiara Cartier."

Chapter 6: Bill and Fleur's Wedding 

Two o'clock on the following afternoon found Kiara standing in front of a mirror in Ginny's bedroom, wearing her bridesmaid dress. The dress was an intricate gold top made of lace with a high neck and a flowy gold skirt made of chiffon that fell to the floor. She wore the pearl necklace that Fleur gave her which sat beautifully on her neck.

The extraordinary thing was that Kiara didn't look like the same girl. After several charms and spells from Mr Weasley and Lupin, the girl staring back at Kiara was unrecognisable. Her hair was a chocolate brown that fell to her waist. Her skin wasn't as pale; it was a golden shade of tan as if she spent an entire summer in the sun. Her makeup was applied in a way that altered her face slightly, by raising her cheekbones and making her lips seem fuller. More significantly, after an hour of failed attempts, Lupin finally managed to perform the powerful charm that Dumbledore once mentioned that would obscure her colourful eyes. Instead, they were a dark brown, matching her hair colour.

Unlike ever before, Kiara did not resemble a Malfoy in the slightest.

The plan was to introduce Kiara as a cousin of Fleur's from southern France. During their preparations the day before, Fleur took the time to teach Kiara several French phrases that would help her if anyone became suspicious. She could force a French accent with ease at the very least, after numerous conversations and discussions with Fleur.

She was not the only one at the wedding who was disguised. Harry also drank a large dose of Polyjuice Potion from the hair of a redheaded Muggle boy from the local village, Ottery St Catchpole that Fred stole using a Summoning Charm. As such, Harry was introduced as 'Cousin Barny.'

After little deliberation with Fred and George, Kiara's fake name, therefore, would be Aria Cartier. Fred came up with the first name after ten minutes by rearranging the last four letters of her name.

Ginny entered the bedroom and gasped when she saw Kiara. She was wearing an identical bridesmaid dress. Her hair was straight and fell down her shoulders like a waterfall. "Oh my goodness, Kiara, I didn't recognise you for a moment."

"Aria," Kiara reminded her. "Remember, I'm Fleur's cousin today. I don't want to stand out."

"I don't think any of Fleur's relatives are brunette," Ginny said pointedly. "So, you'll definitely stand out."

"Well, I'm from the south," Kiara shrugged, playing with a brown curl nervously. "Do I look okay?"

"You look fine," Ginny smiled reassuringly. "You don't look like you at all."

Kiara sighed in relief. "I'm going to speak with Fred before the wedding, so he can recognise me. Do you know where he is?"

"He should be at the marquee outside with George, Harry and Ron. Mum has put them on Usher duty. They're showing the guests to their seats."

Kiara nodded gratefully. She walked down the staircase delicately, taking great care not to trip with her elegant heels. She was taught from a young age by her mother to walk with heels and it was no difficulty for her, no matter the height. Bees and butterflies hovered and floated around her as she walked to the great white marquee in the orchard. A group of wizards were sitting under a tree in the opposite direction of the marquee where a blue haze of pipe smoke floated into the sky. In the distance, she could see the entrance to the marquee which revealed rows and rows of fragile golden chairs set on either side of a long purple carpet. Each detail was carefully planned and executed, with each ribbon, flower and balloon placed perfectly. The supporting poles were entwined with white and gold flowers. Outside the entrance, Fred, George, Ron and an unfamiliar red-head who she knew was Harry, were standing outside.

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