Ch. 23: The Sleepover

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"Kiara Cartier."

Chapter 23: The Sleepover

George stormed into the flat, his ears matching his flaming red hair. He was fuming, to say the very least.

An hour ago, they closed the store and George smiled at Liliana as she departed, the happiness on her face making him feel rather warm inside. He didn't get as long as he hoped to appreciate the feeling, remembering the events from earlier that day.

He rounded on Fred, immediately interrogating him about Kiara's departure. She left without explanation, leaving George feeling quite concerned about whatever events unfolded away from his presence. His brother wasn't particularly forthcoming with the answer at first, but once George and Lee threatened to lock him in a room without his wand with the constant sound in the background of a mermaid out of water shrieking, he finally gave in. He seemed completely unbothered but his argument with Kiara, which fuelled George's fury even more. Hence, the reason why he was the one who went to the Burrow to console Kiara and hopefully bring her back.

Unfortunately, there was one issue.

"She's not there," George snapped, slamming a fist on the table that Fred was eating his dinner peacefully on. Fred coughed and choked on the piece of meat he was chewing, either shocked by George's outburst or his statement.

"What do you mean?" Fred spluttered, thumping his chest harshly.

"I hope you choke to death," George snarled, folding his arms and frowning at his brother. Fred glared at him in response. "She's not at the Burrow, Fred. Mum and Ginny haven't seen her all day."

"I doubt it," Fred said idly, regaining some colour in his face as his airways cleared. George could see the glimmer of anxiety in his eyes, however. He was putting on a clear façade to hide his guilt. He wanted to believe his lies over the truth. "She's probably hiding out in our room or by the pond. Mum wouldn't even know. And, Ginny would hide her from us just to make me suffer."

"She can't get into the protective enchantments without mum knowing," George hissed. He grabbed his twin brother's collar and held it tightly. "Ginny wouldn't lie to me about this, especially when she knows I'm angry with you. Listen to what I'm saying and listen very closely. Kiara-isn't-at-the-Burrow. I don't know where she is." George let go of Fred's collar and stepped away, letting Fred absorb his words properly.

Fred swallowed, adjusting his collar. He looked at George with wide eyes. "You're not pulling my leg, are you?"

"Honestly, Fred. I wish I was chewing your ear off with how angry I am with you but I'm not lying," George snapped. Fred groaned, his stomach doing an uncomfortable flip. He held his head in his hands, pushing his plate away. He didn't have the stomach to continue eating anymore. His mind was completely focussed on Kiara's whereabouts. "What the hell were you thinking? You've been acting like an absolute pretentious asshole for the past two days."

"I..." Fred didn't know where to begin explaining. He didn't quite understand the feeling himself. He never properly to anyone how he felt when Kiara was with Cameron last year. There were times where he would complain to whoever was listening, which typically consisted of George and Lee, that he missed her. But, no one ever understood the feeling of doubt that constantly went through his mind. No one knew that Fred questioned all of his actions and whether he was making her happy. He asked himself whether he should've brought her more flowers, set off more fireworks or been better at listening to her concerns.

Yesterday, he saw the way Cameron stared at her when he saw her. He knew that he saw through the disguise because of the way that he looked at her. Perhaps, it was a surprise to Kiara that Cameron recognised him but it wasn't a surprise to Fred. It was the same look in his eyes at the Hospital Wing when Ron was poisoned. He looked at Kiara as if she was the only one in the room.

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