Ch. 31: Air Vents

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"Kiara Cartier."

Chapter 31: Air Vents

Fred tossed and turned wildly in his sleep, his facial expression pained. His face was sweaty with his hair clinging to forehead. He seemed to be running a marathon in his sleep, except he wasn't.

As with every night, Fred was having another nightmare. His sleeps were no longer dreamless or content, as they were when Kiara was safely with him. Instead, they revolved around the torture and suffering of Kiara.

In his dream, Kiara spat out a mouthful of blood. Her body was covered with bruises of varied purple, blue and yellow colouring, fresh cuts and bleeding lacerations. Her blonde hair was clumped in areas with dry blood and dirt. The part that made Fred's heart plummet was the fear and pain in her white eyes as Voldemort stood over her, wand in his hands.

"Please..." Kiara begged, her voice barely audible. The usual positive emotion and love that Fred always saw in her eyes was gone. She was drained of her happiness as she suffered from agonising pain. She wanted it to end.

"Crucio," Voldemort pointed his wand at her, the curse forcing her to scream endlessly. Fred didn't even realise he was yelling and shouting her name, the sound of her anguish causing his own pain. His chest was aching, with his heart thumping painfully.

"Fred!" Cameron roughly shook his shoulder, trying to wake him. Fred's eyes flashed open, Kiara's screams ringing in his ears still. He felt an overwhelming sense of nausea, but resisted the urge to throw up at Cameron's feet. "Are you alright, mate?"

One of the odd turns of Fred and Cameron's new friendship was that Cameron was spending a lot of his free time at the flat, including late nights. While they were running the Weasley's Wizard Wheezes Owl Order service, they were also coming up with plans to try and find Kiara. This took up most of their time, as opposed to actually running a business.

Fred and George were now considered to be Undesirables after hiding someone that Voldemort wanted for many months, which meant that they were confined to the walls of the flat. They were not able to roam around England searching for Kiara, unless they wanted to risk the possibility of getting captured themselves. Cameron was however, free to come and go as he pleased. Perhaps it was the fact that he was a Slytherin, but Cameron was not marked as an Undesirable in the Daily Prophet, despite working with the trio and clearly being aware of Kiara's identity. Nonetheless, he was the one, along with Lee, who were searching for any clues as to Kiara's whereabouts. Since Weasley's Wizard Wheezes was now operated solely on an owl order business, Cameron was using his working days to search for Kiara, or any clues as to her whereabouts.

Meanwhile, Liliana was safely taken back to Hogwarts, much to George's disappointment. Although he hadn't openly admitted it, he had never crushed on anyone as much as he did on this particular brunette. She was quiet yet mysterious in a similar way as her older brother, which made him want to talk to her more to find out things about her that no one else knew. He remembered the time when Kiara told him that she was only shy around George, which made him wonder why.

Liliana was also caring and kind. After Kiara was taken away, George immediately tried to save Fred from his stab wound but he was too panicked and overwhelmed. He could barely utter out the proper healing charm as Fred's breathing became low and shallow, his eyes closed. Lee was quick to take over, removing the dagger and using a healing charm to save Fred's life. George could only watch, with tears streaming down his face, wondering whether his brother would survive. He was comforted by the fact that Liliana reached out to his lap and held his hand, waiting with him until they knew Fred was okay. She didn't speak, she was just there for him.

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