Ch. 11: Jealousy

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"Kiara Cartier."

Chapter 11: Jealousy

Verity didn't return to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes the day after the visit from Dolohov and Rowle, sending a letter to Fred and George stating that she needed a personal day. Nonetheless, Fred was relieved that he didn't have an awkward encounter with Verity after he mutually agreed that they were dating in front of their entire staff and two Death Eaters.

"I'm not getting out of bed today," Fred sniffed when Kiara knocked on his door. George was already awake eating breakfast, but oddly, Fred hadn't joined them. Usually, he was the first twin at the breakfast table in the morning, appreciating and utilising the few moments of intimacy that he could share with Kiara before they began working. He pulled the covers over his head and groaned. "I want to die right here while I'm still good looking."

"And, why wouldn't you still be good looking?" Kiara mused, sitting on the edge of his bed and patting him gently. Fred was never this dramatic in the morning about starting work and Kiara had a suspicious hunch why.

"I think Verity will pull every hair from my head when she finds out I was only lying to protect us," Fred groaned, poking his head out from under the covers with a glum expression, confirming Kiara's suspicions. "And then, I'll be bald! And ugly!"

Kiara rolled her eyes at his fusses. "I was actually going to suggest that she would make you holey like George."

"Noooo!" Fred cried dramatically, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Please don't make me go down there. Protect me!"

"You can stay up here if you want," Kiara said comfortingly, taking his hand and drawing circles on his skin with her thumb. "George and I will come up with an excuse for you. Hopefully, by the time that you see Verity again, she will have forgotten about you entirely and moved on to someone else. Like George?"

"Oh, no," George said loudly, storming into the room. "You are not hiding from work because you've dug yourself a hole that you can't get yourself out of." George grabbed Fred's quilt and tossed it across the room. "Get up, we're opening in twenty minutes."

Kiara sighed. Fred looked at her expectantly, hoping that she would defend him. She shrugged. "You heard the boss. I'll meet you down there." She kissed his forehead and exited the bedroom, listening to the echo of his groan. "Twenty minutes, Fred!"

She stood by the front door when Fred finally came downstairs, adjusting the magenta robe hastily over his white shirt. Despite getting ready in such a rush, he looked strikingly handsome as he smoothed his messy hair. If she wasn't disguised as Aria Cartier, she would likely have kissed him until they opened in ten minutes.

"Hey Aria," Fred smirked, noticing Kiara's watchful stare. She smiled but didn't reply as the bell rang, indicating Verity's arrival since Lee was already there, tidying the area around the register. Kiara opened her mouth to welcome her politely but somehow, the words got lost when she faced her.

Normally, Verity wore modest and work-appropriate black clothing underneath her magenta robes, demonstrating her professional work ethic. Today, however, she wore something completely different that was nowhere near proper. Her plaid mini skirt finished at her upper thigh, revealing her long thin legs. She wore a thin camisole that was slightly too small, but not low cut enough to be provocative. While Kiara wore heels some days if she was feeling classy, they were low enough to be comfortable with the madness that occurred at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. Meanwhile, Verity's heels today were stilettos that were at least a few inches too high. Her long hair was perfectly curled softly around her face, unlike her everyday natural hair.

Kiara gaped at Verity's appearance, unable to form a coherent sentence. She wished for a moment that she wasn't wearing a disguise so that she had the authority to send Verity home and force her to change her clothing. They worked at a store suitable for families and children of all ages. Kiara glanced at Fred and George with a stern look, hoping that they'd reprimand her somehow or at the very least, advise her to go home and change. They both shrugged, particularly George who looked rather amused. Fred's eyes were wide with shock, trying to avert his stare from Verity's outfit. Fortunately, Verity worked in the backroom which meant that mothers and young children wouldn't have the uncomfortable experience of viewing her outfit.

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