Ch. 20: Kidnapping on the Platform

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"Kiara Cartier."

Chapter 20: Kidnapping on the Platform

The minute that Kiara stepped onto Platform 9 ¾, she was instantly wishing she didn't. The Hogwarts Express was returning to Kings Cross Station for the Christmas holidays with the majority of students onboard, trying to escape the wrath and control of Snaps and the Carrows. Earlier that day, she voiced her desire to come with Fred and George to make sure that they were safe if something happened. However, she was not expecting the Dark Wizard presence to be at such a high level.

In comparison to the 1st of September when the Hogwarts students left for the school year, the number of Death Eaters and Snatchers on the platform had doubled. Possibly, they were thinking that Harry Potter may make an appearance. Kiara knew this was ridiculous however, as Harry wasn't stupid enough to risk it after all this time. Nor, did he have any reason to come to Kings Cross, especially since the train was returning. Harry would remain in hiding unless he needed to expose himself.

She wished she did the same.

"This was a bad idea," Fred whispered, looking around nervously. His hand gripped the handle of his wand tightly in his pocket, ready to cast a spell if someone tried to touch Kiara. He would do absolutely anything to protect her, even if that meant risking his life. "You should've stayed at the flat and let us come alone. We would've been fine."

"We can't leave now," George said quietly, holding Kiara's hand tightly and keeping her close to him. Her brown hair was styled into a braid down her back, swaying with the winter wind. She didn't wear a beanie or a hood today, wanting her brown hair to be in full view so that it couldn't be suspected. She mentally thanked Ivy for freshly colouring her hair the day before. As always, she was such a pleasure to visit and she was never disappointed, despite having to talk about her fake husband each time. "It'll look too suspicious if she disappeared because we saw them. We need to just grab Ginny when the train arrives and go to the Burrow."

Kiara checked her watch, fidgeting with the hem of her jacket. "It should be arriving any minute-," She broke off, noticing someone staring at her from across the platform. Lucius Malfoy was standing a few metres away, but he wasn't facing the train tracks and waiting for his son to arrive. Instead, he was facing the three of them, his grey eyes focused solely on Kiara. She realised that freezing mid-sentence seemed to increase his suspicion a second too late, noticing the way that his eyes narrowed. Shivers crept down her spine as she spoke shakily. "Do you thenk zat she'll be okay?"

Fred was staring at Lucius now as well, scowling. He noticed Kiara's slip up straight away, but he hoped that Lucius didn't. His stomach was turning unpleasantly at the possibility that he did. The way that he stared at Kiara made the hair on the back of his neck stand up. He was staring at her, as though he was beginning to suspect their disguise. It was almost if, the longer he stared, the more dots were beginning to connect.

George turned his back to Lucius, wrapping his arms around Kiara's shoulders and pulling her body into his chest. He also noticed the exchange but he knew that he was the only one who could do something. He rested his head on hers, trying to lessen the suspicion and portray themselves as a loving couple. "Fred, it's not possible," George said quietly, speaking into her hair so that no one could read his lips. The place was crawling with Death Eaters who were watching like hawks for anything suspicious.

He nodded, pulling his jacket tighter to his body. "I know. It's because it's us. We're next on the list as Blood Traitors. Even dad says that it's only a matter of time before they come for us now."

"Ze train iz coming now," Kiara pointed in its direction with a slightly trembling hand, hearing the whistle as it approached. She tried to calm her nerves but she felt sick. She would never tell Fred and George because she knew how they would react but Lucius looked at her as if she was Kiara, not Aria. It was the same look of disgust that she'd known for years. But, they were right. There was no possibility of anyone knowing. She hadn't slipped up on her disguise. She'd always been careful, more than ever, to make sure that she didn't slip up. Associating with George meant that she was no longer protected as a Pure Blood. They were next to be targeted and most likely, Lucius knew that.

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