Ch. 28: Locked Up

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"Kiara Cartier."

Chapter 28: Locked Up

Kiara's head was pounding with an awful headache but she didn't care enough to worry about that. She glanced around her barren cell. The room was barely large enough for her to pace a couple of steps up and back so she chose to sit in the furthest corner away from the cell door. She didn't want to be anywhere near it if someone came to pay her an unwanted visit. Her head rested against the stone cold wall, the coolness providing her throbbing head with some comfort. The cell was almost in complete darkness, save for the small candle that she managed to ignite with her powers. The candle was melting though, with the wax dripping down the sides of the stick after being lit for several hours. She wasn't quite sure if several hours had passed since her arrival in her cell, but it sure felt like it. She didn't have a watch to tell the time.

After leaving Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, she was tossed into the cell by a Snatcher who marched her through Malfoy Manor, like the prisoner that she was. The whole arrival felt like a blur, because she couldn't remember any of it. She didn't even realise that she was at Malfoy Manor until she sat in the cell, failing to recognise the familiarity of the home that she grew up in. She should've realised that Voldemort and his Death Eaters would choose the Malfoy's home as their place of residence.

She was a prisoner in her own home. The irony almost made her laugh out loud. But, she was feeling numb all over as she thought about Fred and how she left him.

She was sick with worry for him. It was nauseating. She didn't know if he was alive or dead. George would've healed him instantly when he had the opportunity once they had left the shop, but did he manage to do it in time? Or did Fred bleed out to death and she didn't even know? She closed her eyes, trying to remember whether she saw Fred breathing in those last milliseconds before she was taken away. She wished more than anything that she could have a sign or something to prove to her that he was alive. It was a thought that would stop her from getting any sleep, rather than actually being imprisoned. She didn't care about that. She just wanted to know if he was alive. And, more importantly, she wanted to apologise to him.

All of the anger that she felt beforehand had completely disappeared. It was all because of a lie. Looking back on it now, she knew what they had done. They had somehow managed to obtain a strand of Verity's hair and used Polyjuice Potion to disguise Bellatrix. It was a sly yet clever ruse to trick them into slipping up Kiara's disguise. And, it worked because Kiara let her emotions cloud her proper judgement. Kiara served it to them on a silver platter. She should've known better. If she didn't react the way she did or if she listened to Cameron and walked away, nothing would've happened. Bellatrix would've left because they had nothing to use against them. She was an idiot for believing that Fred would've done something like that to her and lied to her about it. She didn't even care that he lied about kissing her, since she kissed someone else during that time as well. With everything else that happened since then, it was the last thing on her mind.

Her gold bracelet was hidden underneath her sock as she clasped it around her ankle. She was lucky that the length of it was adjustable. The promise ring that Fred had given her was still on her finger, but she knew she would have to hide it eventually. There would come a time where a Death Eater, her father or Voldemort would come to see her. She didn't want them to destroy the most important pieces of jewellery that she owned.

Kiara considered attempting to escape but she knew that there was no possible way. Her wand was never returned to her. The cell was made of concrete and stone, which meant that if she tried to use her powers, nothing would work. Water would likely cause her to drown before anyone would notice on the upper floors. Fire wouldn't melt the stone bars, it would only scorch them. Air would do nothing unless she managed to bring a key over to herself.

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