Ch. 15: Date Night

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"Kiara Cartier."

Chapter 15: Date Night

The stability of the Wizarding World was beginning to crumble around them. More and more disappearances of witches and wizards were being published in the Quibbler every day and Death Eaters were increasing their patrols in Diagon Alley. Snatchers would willingly enter Weasley's Wizard Wheezes now, much to Fred and George's disgust and loathing, interrogating their customers about their heritage and demanding proof of their identity. Indeed, it was beginning to negatively affect their business.

They'd already witnessed a 'snatching' where a middle-aged woman was proven to be a Muggle-Born one Wednesday in their store and escorted to the Ministry immediately by a rough Snatcher who didn't hesitate to bind her with thick ropes, without any acknowledgement or understanding as she attempted to prove her magical abilities. Her wand was ripped from her grasp and they disappeared with a crack, never to be seen again.

This particular event sent Kiara to the backroom in tears, feeling an immense amount of guilt that she was unable to do anything to protect other people who were attempting to stay hidden. They were trying to be like her, but she was fortunate that her disguise was so successful. She wished she could protect them all, perhaps to build a secret room for them but it was far too dangerous. Fred was seconds behind her, wrapping his arms around her instantly and consoling her.

She constantly wondered if Harry, Ron and Hermione were safe. These thoughts kept her up at night for hours, where she feared for her own safety and freedom. She wondered where they were now and if they were making any substantial progress with finding Voldemort's Horcruxes to eventually kill him and put an end to this war. No one had heard from them or sighted them since the break in at the Ministry, since it wasn't safe for them to make contact.

When she wasn't thinking about the trio, she was thinking about Ginny at Hogwarts. How was Snape treating his students? How were the Carrows torturing or punishing them? Kiara felt nauseous to the stomach at the thought. Alecto and Amycus Carrow were two sick individuals with no boundaries. She knew that they would bring nothing but grief to the students at Hogwarts, and the other teachers could only do so much to protect them. They would make Umbridge look like a Queen in comparison.

She wondered if the Death Eaters were convinced that she was on the run with Harry, Hermione and Ron. Evidently, they would be aware that Harry was behind the break-in at the Ministry of Magic, she was sure of it. There must've been a Horcrux at the Ministry, or a clue that led them right to it, otherwise why would they place themselves in one of the most dangerous places to be in the Wizarding World? The Death Eaters knew that there were three intruders and since Ron was supposedly sick in bed with spattergroit, they would assume that the third was her.

She hoped just as much.

"You're doing it again," Fred said softly, appearing at her side as she stood by a shelf during work hours, holding a product in her trembling hands. She'd forgotten what she was doing and where she was. She remembered distantly George asking her to retrieve the product she was holding for an Owl Order for a customer, but it felt like a strange and unknown memory. She couldn't even remember if this was the right product. He dropped his voice to a quiet whisper. "Love, what's the matter? This is the fourth time this week where I've found you like this."

Kiara couldn't answer. There were a few customers in the store who could potentially overhear their conversation. What would happen if one of them were an undercover Death Eater or Snatcher? Fred noticed the way that her eyes darted around them anxiously. He knew that if it wasn't for the contact lenses, her eyes would be white with worry. "George! Aria isn't feeling too well. I'm going to take her upstairs to get her some water and let her rest for a few minutes."

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