Ch. 18: Potterwatch

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"Kiara Cartier."

Chapter 18: Potterwatch

The four staff of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes were quiet as they worked, listening to the random bangs of fireworks that popped around the store. There wasn't a customer in sight with the entirety of Diagon Alley being deserted, except for the constant movement of Death Eaters and Snatchers. War peril and terror loomed over the Alley, scaring away most people and customers now.

Fred and Kiara were finally sharing a bedroom as they agreed upon at Shell Cottage. At night, Kiara slept much more soundly then before with Fred by her side. In the day, she was still working in the back room to put her mind at ease. Today, she was working next to Lee who was meant to be sorting boxes but instead, he was frowning in concentration. His wand was pointed at the old wireless radio, which hadn't been touched until the Ministry was taken over. The dial was twisting and turning, until the static morphed into a monotone voice.

"...Three Muggle-Borns have been arrested overnight, facing their interrogation and trial at the Ministry later this afternoon for their attempted theft of magic..."

Lee scowled and turned the dial once more, searching for a different station through the static. A similar monotone voice replaced the first, spinning more appalling lies about the untrustworthiness of Muggle-Borns and the criminal activity of Harry Potter.

"...If you sight any Muggle-Borns or Undesirables in your area or notice any suspicious activity, we implore you to report it to the Ministry of Magic at once so that the Department of Magical Law Enforcement may keep you protected..."

Lee swore loudly. Kiara sighed and switched the wireless radio off with her wand, filling the room with silence. The reports were doing more harm than good, providing ignorant and scared people with a false sense of security. The curtain opened, revealing a curious Fred and George who must've heard Lee's swearing from the shop floor. There were no customers that they were abandoning, providing them with the opportunity to step away as necessary.

"Is everything alright?" George asked, looking concerned. Kiara ignored him.

"There's no point listening to it, Lee. We know that it's all lies."

"It's infuriating. People are beginning to believe it," Lee said angrily, pointing at the radio. Fred and George nodded, finally understanding what he was referring too. "When I walk to work some days, I hear people talking about how Harry pushed Dumbledore from the Astronomy Tower because he is mentally imbalanced. How do they not see through the despicable lies that the Death Eaters are clearly feeding people?"

Kiara sighed and touched his shoulder, trying to find the right words to comfort her friend. "Do you remember when you were commentating the Quidditch matches at Hogwarts?" Lee nodded. How could he forget those days? Life was much simpler and safer back then. The only stressful moment of their life was avoiding detentions from Filch or Snape. "Even if people couldn't see what was happening during Quidditch, because it was too far away or they were looking at something else, they believed you. They believed what you said because you were commentating. And, there was nothing else to prove otherwise."

Lee frowned, knowing that she was right. Those who didn't know better would believe the words they heard instantly because there was nothing else to disprove it. "They deserve the truth. People need to know what's going on. People need to know that they need to protect themselves. The people who are dying or being arrested, they deserve to be respected, not treated like scum because of their blood heritage."

"Xenophillius Lovegood is writing about the truth, but it won't take long until the Death Eaters put an end to that," Fred said dejectedly.

"That's the issue, isn't it?" George asked. "That, if someone chooses to speak out in a way that doesn't abide by the Ministry's control, they'll be silenced immediately. I wouldn't be surprised if they sent them to Azkaban or worse."

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