Ch. 22: Recognised

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"Kiara Cartier."

Chapter 22: Recognised

Fred didn't speak to Kiara or George that evening. He didn't return to the shop to assist them with their highly populated business or join them for dinner. Kiara didn't try and speak with him because she knew that he clearly needed to cool off. He was angry about Cameron's appearance which would've only been further aggravated by Kiara and George agreeing to hire his sister.

Kiara wasn't quite sure why Fred acted the way he did. She related his reaction to jealousy that Cameron was her ex-boyfriend and she has feelings for him at some point. But, she couldn't work out why Fred was jealous now when she was dating him.

It was slightly awkward however when Kiara was ready for bed and realised that Fred and her shared a bedroom now. She braced herself for the conversation that she'd mentally prepared for all evening but it never came. Fred was asleep in their bed but Kiara was suspicious that he was pretending. She could tell by the way that he was sleeping that he was awake and wasn't in the deep sleep that he was trying to convince her with. She prodded and poked his shoulder but he did not respond so she sighed and faced the other way, reminding herself that tomorrow would be a better day.

It was the first night that they'd fallen asleep together where they hadn't cuddled or had some sort of physical contact throughout their sleep.

When Kiara opened her eyes the next day, she frowned immediately. Fred's side of the bed was completely vacant, which meant that he purposely woke up earlier to avoid speaking with her.

Her eyes turned gold with pure annoyance. In her opinion, she'd given him enough time to cool off and sulk but now, Fred was behaving like an absolute child. She chose him over Cameron, so there was no need to be jealous. If anything, she should've expected such immaturity from Cameron since she broke his heart and picked Fred. Cameron didn't do anything wrong yesterday and he would never behave like this if the roles were reversed.

Kiara sighed and cursed herself for thinking in such a way. She was dating Fred. She was in love with Fred. She shouldn't compare him with Cameron, even though a part of her wished that he would accept the same about her as well. He knew how much she loved him.

She got ready for the day and sat with George at the breakfast table. He chuckled when he saw her gold eyes. "Did he ignore you as well?"

"Yes," Kiara hissed, flipping the pancake in the frying pan furiously. "He's acting like a child, George. Honestly, he needs to grow up. I chose him over Cameron and he's acting like the biggest-,"

"Dick?" George suggested. Kiara didn't say anything. She was planning on saying the biggest idiot but she couldn't disagree with George. "I don't know what has gotten his knickers in a twist but I don't care. We made a lot of money yesterday. The store is busy. We have Lil starting tomorrow and-,"

"Lil?" Kiara's scowl changed into a small smirk. George's ears turned pink. "Do you have a nickname for her, Georgie?"

"I..." George cleared his throat nervously, realising that he was stumbling on his words. "I thought it would make her feel welcome."

She placed a stack of freshly made pancakes on his plate and ruffled his hair. He grumbled and pushed her hand away. "Oh, George. You are cute when you have a crush," He glowered at her, hoping that she would stop teasing him. She poked her tongue at him and he began eating. She was silent for a moment before continuing. "But, if I was trying to give her a nice nickname, I wouldn't use the same one that her brother uses."

George didn't look up from his pancakes but Kiara could see the thoughtfulness in his eyes. She smiled slightly, hoping that at least one happy thought would get her through a day of her boyfriend ignoring her.

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