Ch. 7: Wedding Crashers

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"Kiara Cartier."

Chapter 7: Wedding Crashers

Everything became fuzzy and slow as the impact of the words began to settle amongst the wedding guests. Voldemort finally took his hold and reign over the Wizarding World through the Ministry of Magic and they were coming directly for them. Kiara, Harry and Hermione jumped to their feet and drew their wands. "Fred," Kiara whispered fearfully, watching as silence filled the room like a cold draft in the air. Then somebody screamed. Harry and Hermione hesitated, staring at Kiara. They didn't need to speak, they all knew that this was their time to separate. "Go," Kiara demanded confidently. "You need to get out of here before they find you. Good luck." Harry nodded sternly and Hermione gave Kiara a swift hug before they threw themselves into the panicking crowd, searching for Ron. Guests were sprinting in all directions; there were loud cracks and pops. The protective enchantments around the Burrow had broken.

She heard an echo of 'Protego!' from different ends of the tent. Dark figures began swarming throughout the Burrow, blasting objects in their path. She passed Bill who pressed his forehead against Fleur's for a moment, tears in their eyes before he firmly entwined his hand with hers, shielding her from a spell. She continued searching. Fred, where was Fred? Where was her boyfriend? Was he safe? Had he been hit with a curse? Why did she decide to leave him in the first place? She ran desperately, twisting and turning between unfamiliar faces. Tables were being overturned with decorations and chairs blasting into pieces around them as the Death Eaters searched for their targets. There were at least a dozen intruders, a mixture of Death Eaters and Ministry wizards.

Suddenly, a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her away from a curse that missed her narrowly. He pulled her behind an upturned table, hidden from view. She opened her mouth to scream but she was silenced at the familiar sound of his comforting voice. "You're okay," Fred said quietly, holding her tightly. "I was so worried."

"Fred," Kiara whimpered, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine but they're here, you need to-,"

"I'm staying," Kiara said firmly, touching his face. "I can't leave you here. I don't look like me, I'll be fine."

Fred hesitated but there was a loud shatter of glass, followed by a shriek. "Okay. You need to trust me, though. No matter what."

"No matter what," Kiara agreed, kissing him gently. There was still a commotion as guests were disappearing, dodging curses and spells. They both turned as two figures appeared behind them, the tip of their wands pointed at whoever it was but it was Charlie and George, sighing with relief. There was a gash on Charlie's cheek but he didn't seem to notice or care. "Did they get away?"

"I saw Ron apparate with Harry and Hermione," George explained, a light bursting over their heads. Glass shattered around them and Fred threw Kiara under his shoulder to prevent the glass from cutting her skin. "Fred, they're here for her too."

Fred nodded grimly. "I know." He turned to Kiara. "I need you to stay with Charlie now."

"No – I want to be with you!"

"Kiara, I need you to trust me," Fred whispered, cupping her cheeks. "George and I need to fight and if you're with me, they'll know straight away that it's you. Go with Charlie and fight with him. He'll protect you."

Kiara opened her mouth to argue but there was a scream that horribly pierced the night. George nodded at Fred and immediately, they jumped to their feet and started throwing spells vigorously at a fast-pace towards the Death Eaters and Ministry wizards. They ducked and weaved around each other in perfect synchronisation.

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