Ch. 8: Battle Scars

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"Kiara Cartier."

Chapter 8: Battle Scars

Everyone was hurt in some shape or form, whether it was physically or emotionally, that night. They were lucky that they were all alive and safe and the Death Eaters didn't find out any information about Harry. The Polyjuice Potion helped protect Harry and Kiara successfully from the Death Eaters.

They all began to slowly group in the kitchen, sitting around the table in silence. Fleur and Bill immediately jumped into a tight embrace, falling into each other's arms. Lupin kissed Tonks' forehead, taking her hand comfortingly. Kiara tapped her finger impatiently against the wood, thinking about Fred. Her eyes snapped immediately to the entrance when she heard footsteps, watching as Fred was helped into the kitchen by Charlie, completely healed. His shirt was stained with dried blood but the hazy expression on face had vanished. He smiled at Kiara and staggered over to her, wincing in pain but still finding the energy to kiss her gently.

"Hello love."

"Fred," She said hoarsely, helping him into the chair next to her own. "Are you okay?"

"I feel fantastic," He said, flinching as he moved closer to the table. She looked at him with a stern look. "Don't worry that pretty face of yours. I don't want you getting wrinkles at an early age."

She opened her mouth to argue but Ginny entered the room with Mr and Mrs Weasley, looking quite shaken. She smiled weakly at her family as she pulled up a chair and dropped wearily into it. Charlie immediately wrapped his arm around his younger sister, hugging her consolingly. Mrs Weasley walked over to each of her children, nearly dissolving into tears as she examined each of their injuries. She dabbed ointment on George's bruise and cast a spell over the scars on Charlie's face and Bill's neck, causing them to fade and heal.

"Well, at least we're all alive," George said cheerily, touching his jaw gingerly. His bruise was quite faded, even against his pale skin. The ointment that Mrs Weasley administered was working efficiently. He took the wand that Mr Weasley passed him. "What a great start to the married life," He grinned at Bill, who rolled his eyes.

"Thank Merlin that they didn't see Harry when they arrived," Mrs Weasley sighed, busying herself over the kitchen sink as she prepared cocoa for everyone to drink. "Did they get away safely?"

"He disapparated with Ron and Hermione," Charlie said in a low voice, pointing a finger outside. "George and I saw them leave. It was right before they entered the tent."

"We were lucky that your disguise worked so well, Kiara," Tonks piped up from across the table. "Even Lucius didn't recognise you."

"They were suspicious though," Lupin nodded, meeting Kiara's concerned eyes. "When Malfoy was torturing Fred, Bellatrix was watching you. She was waiting for a reaction."

"I didn't give it to them though," Kiara answered quietly. "They believed the cover-up in the end." She turned to Mr Weasley and Lupin. "Thank you both." She smiled at Fleur also. "And Fleur. Without you, my French wouldn't have been possible. Merci."

Fleur smiled warmly, her hand entwined with Bill's. Everyone turned to the newlyweds.

"We're so sorry, Bill and Fleur," Mrs Weasley sniffed, setting two mugs in front of them. "It's not fair. They ruined your wedding day."

"It's okay, mum," Bill said softly. "It's out of our control. We can't do anything about it."

"Ze may 'ave ruined ze beginning but zey will not ruin ze rest," Fleur said firmly. A watery smile appeared on Mrs Weasley's face as she continued to serve steaming mugs around the table.

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